BASE Inc. announced it will launch this summer the "Sales Partner App" the first drop-shipping function for online shop creation services in Japan. This function enables shops that use "BASE" to collaborate on consignment sales. By connecting "supplier's shops" that excel in goods production with "seller's shops" that excel in sales, each shop can concentrate on goods production and sales promotions respectively.

Prior to the release of the App this summer, it launched preliminary functions on July 4, 2024, which enable "supplier's shops" to register their goods to be sold on consignment, and "seller's shop" to apply for consignment sales. The "Sales Partner App" is one of the "BASE Apps", extended functions provided to online shops using "BASE," that enables drop-shipping between shops using "BASE". Drop-shipping allows online shops to operate without carrying inventory.

The "Sales Partner App" connects "supplier's shops" that produce goods with "seller's shops", enabling "seller's shops" to sell the goods of "supplier's shops" without carrying inventory. Since a "supplier's shop" handles the production, inventory management, and shipping of goods, the company recommend those who are good at attracting customers and sales promotions to open a shop as a "seller's shop". First, it will provide partial functionality up to the listing and linkage functions, but it plan to provide full functionality+ by the end of this summer.

The "Sales Partner App" will be updated with new functions to solve the problems of both "supplier's shops" and "seller's shops". Preliminary launch date: July 4, 2024 Full function available date: by the end of summer Available for: Online shops using BASE. Features of the Sales Partner App 1, "BASE" has the No.

1 track record (1) in opening online shops, so one can build a network with a wide variety of shops. App usage fees charged to "supplier's shops" are only when goods are sold. They can leave customer attraction and sales promotion to "seller's shop" with no fixed costs.

Since the role of a "seller's shop" is to sell, there is no need to purchase goods, manage inventory, or ship goods. It is possible to earn rewards when goods are sold, making it smooth for influencers to open seller's shops.