Barnwell Industries, Inc. announced certain changes made to the composition of board committees Board of Directors and the roles of certain Board members that are intended to improve the effectiveness and collegiality of Board decision-making. Director Kenneth S. Grossman is no longer a member of the Audit Committee, Compensation Committee or Nominating Committee, and the position he held as Vice-Chairman of the Board has been eliminated. Director Francis J. Kelly has succeeded to the committee positions previously held by Mr. Grossman, and Mr. Kelly is now the chairman of the Nominating Committee of the Board of Directors.

The Board took the action to remove Mr. Grossman as Vice-Chairman and as a member of the aforementioned committees due to Mr. Grossman's unfortunate pattern of unprofessional and disruptive behavior, which has included ad-hominem attacks and threats against other members of the Board. The Board is considering additional changes to its composition and operation.