In a transaction made on 3 0 May 2024 Sprucegrove Investment Management has incresed its shareholding above 5% of the total outstanding number of shares in P/F Bakkafrost

  1. Name of Issuer of shares: Bakkafrost P/F
  2. Date which holding exceeded threshold: May 30, 2024
  3. Name of Shareholder: Sprucegrove Investment Management
  4. Number of shares the notification encompasses: 2,977,169 shares (5.02%) based on shares outstanding of 59,304,619 shares (source: Signal)
  5. Subsequent Situation Prior to Disclosure: Not Applicable. This is our first disclosure for this company investment.
  6. Percentage of the votes/shares of the company held in the form of rights to shares: 0
  7. The circumstance that triggered disclosure obligation: Purchase of shares for client accounts
  8. Chain of controlled undertakings through which shares/rights are owned: Shares are held beneficially in client accounts which are managed by Sprucegrove Investment Management
  9. Notification concerning rights to shares: Sprucegrove does not hold any rights,c3993193

(c) 2024 Cision. All rights reserved., source Press Releases - English