Axion announced that Rising Fire, 800 man-year video game, is currently in open beta on Tencent Holding Limited's WeGame platform. Please visit '' to see Rising Fire's landing page on Tencent's website. Through continuous consultation, partnership and guidance from Tencent, Rising Fire has expanded in both size and scope through the addition of more robust content and advanced user-retention mechanisms. Axion has delivered content payloads for Rising Fire approximately every five weeks since its open beta release at the end of June, 2018. These payload deliveries are updated builds of the game whereby game play is enhanced and complex content is added beyond regular, daily tuning and updates. Upon delivery of each updated build, user retention are tested. This process of "tuning-to-market" is executed in close collaboration with Tencent and has specifically consisted of, among other updates, adding new weapons and improving weapon feel, adding gift packs to level up, updating and creating new level maps, and changing general feel and gameplay to enhance overall player experience and game play. Axion announced that it has a portfolio of nine video games in development (including same game derivatives), representing over 2,000 man-years of investment. Of those nine, five are expected for open beta launch in 2019 and three smaller video games have specifically progressed swiftly through the alpha and beta testing pipeline. Those three games include the following: Rising Fire: Spar Wars | Mobile- Cartoon-themed MOBA derivative of Rising Fire, Fast-paced battles limited to 15 minutes, Targeted toward the growing, casual mobile gamer, Purpose built for eSports, expected to launch in third quarter 2019. Invictus | Mobile- First AAA quality mobile game made in Thailand, Real-time RPG fighting game with card-game mechanics, Purpose built for eSports, expected to launch in second quarter 2019. Fighter Royale | PC & Mobile- WWII Flying Battle Royale Game, First game to combine flight simulation with a battle royale mechanic, Purpose built for eSports, expected to launch in second quarter 2019.