Avnet introduced the Avnet Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit, which supports rapid prototyping of IoT implementations using Microsoft’s Azure Sphere, an end-to-end solution for creating highly-secured, connected Microcontroller (MCU) devices. Avnet will demonstrate the new starter kit for the first time at CES 2019, in booth #2609 at Tech East, Westgate Las Vegas Resort. Avnet introduces the Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit, which supports rapid prototyping of IoT implementations using Microsoft’s Azure Sphere. Avnet will demonstrate its new starter kit for the first time at CES 2019, booth #2609 at Tech East, Westgate Las Vegas. The Starter Kit leverages the Avnet-developed Azure Sphere module that is based on the MT3620 reference development board. The production-ready module is the fastest and easiest way to equip IoT endpoint devices to be highly secure, ensuring that developers can quickly move from prototype to production. The Avnet Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit includes a small form factor carrier board supporting Avnet’s production ready Azure Sphere MT3620 module with WiFi connectivity. Multiple expansion interfaces provide developers with easy integration of off-the-shelf sensors, displays, motors, relays and more. The downloadable “getting started” tutorial guides developers through the development steps from board setup to application coding. The Avnet Azure Sphere MT3620 Starter Kit is now available to pre-order for USD 75 with delivery scheduled for early April.