Trend Innovations Holding Inc. announced the Company has started the process to enhance its Avant! AI technology with a new Natural Language Processing (NLP) interface to provide users with a better, more robust, user-friendly experience. Also, while Trend intends to utilize Avant!

AI's core engine for licensing purposes, the Company will be upgrading the NLP interface to enable modern, textual based, Q&A sessions to offer a more user-friendly experience to those who choose to use the platform as an advanced AI “search” engine chatbot.  In the updated version, Avant! AI will keep a user's chat history active for the user to refer to, and the update will include enhanced support features for users. Avant!

AI was purchased from GBT Tokenize Corp., and the Company plans to use/offer the technology as a customer support assistant and use it in health advisory systems, as well as other applications. Avant! AI includes machine learning techniques that allow it to learn from the internet and that rely on NLP methods to communicate with users.

Avant! AI can find the required information, summarize it, and present it in a clear and friendly way. Avant!

AI can be used as a Dialogue AI application, which is an emerging technology that enables users to have a conversation with Avant! AI through a chat dialog interface, allowing the technology to understand and respond to questions using natural language inputs. Trend is also working to update Avant!

AI's back-end architecture to support even faster and more comprehensive responses. Trend plans to continue developing and enhancing Avant! AI's capabilities with the expectation that the technology can be used in key industries, including autonomous vehicles, medicine, and customer support.