Auris Minerals Limited announced that an RC drill rig has been mobilised to site to complete a follow-up drilling programme at the Company's 100% owned Feather Cap Gold Project, located 95km north of Meekatharra, in the Bryah Basin, Western Australia. The maiden RC drilling programme at the Durack East Prospect, comprising approximately 4 holes for 720m, is planned to further evaluate high-grade gold mineralisation received from previously completed Air Core drilling including: 8m @ 5.44g/t Au from 87m, including 1m @ 26.7g/t Au from 87m (DEAC0089). 10m @ 1.22g/t Au from 85m (DEAC0075).

All results have now been received from the previously completed Air Core drill programme. No further significant results were received within the assays of the final five drill holes, (DEAC0072 - DEAC0074 and DEAC0079 ­ DEAC0080). A maximum result of 5m @ 0.46g/t Au from 30m was returned within DEAC0074.

Additional Air Core drilling is planned at Durack East, resulting in a drill spacing of 200m over the interpreted mineralised trend at the Durack East prospect. Infill Air Core drilling is also planned to further evaluate the shallow high-grade mineralisation with DEAC0095 (5m @ 14.3g/t Au from 40m). The planned Air Core drilling is pending heritage surveying, which was initially scheduled to be completed early December 2021, however the programme has been suspended to a later date at the request of participants.

At this stage the earliest the heritage surveying can be completed would be from February 2022. Initial observations from drilling completed to date at the Durack East Prospect (located within the Feather Cap Project) and at the Morck Well Project to the east, suggest the potential exists for significant mineralisation to be defined over a total strike extent of 6.2km. Regional Air Core drilling completed along strike to the east by Sandfire within the Morck Well Project at 800m line spacing, has returned significant gold mineralisation, including 5m @ 4.76g/t Au from 70m (MWAC2682) and 10m @ 1.25g/t Au from 110m (MWAC2679).

Air Core drilling completed by Sandfire in the west of the Morck Well Project, highlighted a potential 3.2km of gold mineralised trend.