• 1,000 employees on board by the end of this year
  • Training center to open in summer 2014
  • Audi Board of Management Member for HR, Thomas Sigi: "We are impressed by the progress of construction and the employees' motivation"
  • Head of HR for the Mexico project, Mattias Rust: "We offer the most up-to-date wage-tariff agreements in the country"

Together with the Board of Management Member for Production Dr. Frank Dreves (second from right) and the Governor of the state of Puebla Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas (third from right), further Matthias Müller, Head of Project Mexico (left), José Cabalan Macari Àlvaro, Secretary of Infrastructure of the state of Puebla (second from the left), and Roberto J. Moya Clemente, Secretary of Finance of the state of Puebla (right), Audi's Board of Management Member for Human Resources Thomas Sigi (third from left) has been finding out about the project's progress on the new Audi plant in San José Chiapa. They opened the first office complex of the plant for future employees.

A good status at the beginning of the new year: The Audi plant in San José Chiapa is fully on schedule. Workforce growth is also making good progress. By the end of the year, about 1,000 new employees will have come on board. Another milestone will be the opening of the training center in summer 2014. Audi México is meanwhile establishing itself as an attractive employer with numerous offers for its employees.

Together with Board of Management Member for Production Dr. Frank Dreves and Governor of Puebla Rafael Moreno Valle Rosas, Audi's Board of Management Member for Human Resources Thomas Sigi has been finding out about the project's progress on the spot. "We are highly impressed by the construction progress and the high motivation of our employees at the new site," stated Sigi. Audi's corporate goal of being "an attractive employer worldwide" applies of course also at the new plant in Mexico: "In the new plant, we will offer extensive possibilities for further training, medical care of the highest standards, excellent catering and modern shuttle lines between the surrounding transport nodes and the plant," continued Sigi.

Mattias Rust, Head of Human Resources for the Mexico project, provided an insight into personnel development and qualification concepts for the future team of Audi México at a press conference today. The new wage-tariff agreements are among the best in the country, explained Rust: "One important component is the agreement on an individual working-time account, allowing hours worked to be offset." Rust also provided information on the current situation with the construction of the new training center. The building will be one of the first to open on the plant premises. Among other functions, the center will be used to train the Mexican apprentices. Audi already started the dual system of education and training according to the German model at the Institute for Professional Training of Volkswagen de México in summer 2013, when 64 apprentices started their working lives. At the end of February this year, another 46 young people will follow. In parallel, Mexican instructors and skilled workers are undergoing training at the main Audi plants in Germany. At present, Audi is training 140 Mexican employees in Germany.

"We are very satisfied with the progress made in the area of training," continued Rust. "Audi is creating tailored courses for the young Mexican staff members." Audi México offers young university graduates a new scholarship program, for example. Up to 20 engineering students can carry out part of their studies in Germany.www.audi.com.mx.

What is currently the most up-to-date Audi plant in the world is rapidly growing - and with it the Audi family: By the end of the year, 1,000 Mexican employees will be on board. "We feel welcome here," summarized Board of Management Member for Human Resources Thomas Sigi. "Together with the new Audi people, we will enthusiastically follow the 'Audi in Mexico' path." In total, the workforce of Audi México will grow to 3,800 employees by 2016. There is enormous local interest in working for Audi: So far, more than 30,000 Mexicans have applied for jobs at the plant.

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