5 May 2014
Company Announcements Office
Australian Securities Exchange
10th Floor, 20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000



The directors of Atlantic Gold NL (ASX:ATV) (Atlantic Gold or Company) wish to
advise that the closing date of the Share Purchase Plan (SPP) announced on 7 April 2014 to fund the Company's working capital requirements leading to the proposed merger of the Company with TSX-V listed Spur Ventures Inc is to be extended from Friday 9 May
2014 until Friday 23 May 2014. Revised details of the SPP are as follows:

Share Purchase Price

2.5 cents

Record Date

Friday, 7:00 pm (Sydney time), 4 April 2014

Announcement Date

Monday 7 April, 2014

Opening Date of Offer

Thursday 17 April 2014

Closing Date of Offer

Friday, 5:00 pm (Sydney time), 23 May 2014

Allotment of SPP securities

Friday 30 May 2014

Quotation and despatch of Holding

Statements for SPP securities

Monday 2 June 2014

The volume-weighted average price of Atlantic Gold's shares traded on the ASX over the last 5 trading days prior to the date of this announcement was 2.8 cents per share.
The SPP provides each eligible shareholder with a registered address in Australia or New Zealand with the opportunity to subscribe for up to a maximum of $15,000 worth of new shares (ranking equally with existing fully paid ordinary shares) without incurring any brokerage or usual transaction costs. The SPP securities to be issued to participants will be included in the calculation of any consideration to be provided to Atlantic Gold's shareholders under the proposed merger transaction with Spur Ventures Inc.
Participation in the SPP is entirely voluntary. SPP receipts will be capped at $1.0 million. Any scale-back will be undertaken by the Company to the extent and in the manner it sees fit.
The original offer and the SPP terms and conditions, along with details of the proposed merger transaction with TSX-V listed Spur Ventures Inc as announced on 7 April 2014, were mailed to all eligible shareholders of the Company at the opening of the offer.

Atlantic Gold reserves the right to alter the above timetable at its discretion. Changes to the timetable will be notified to ASX.

Wally Bucknell Managing Director

Suite 506

815 Pacific Highway

Chatswood NSW 2067


t (612) 9410 0993 f (612) 9410 0958

Atlantic Gold NL

ABN 82 062 091 909

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