Atea Pharmaceuticals, Inc. announced the Company will present new efficacy results, including SVR12 data (primary endpoint), from the Phase 2 lead-in cohort evaluating the combination of bemnifosbuvir (an oral nucleotide NS5B polymerase inhibitor) and ruzasvir (an oral NS5A inhibitor) for the treatment of hepatitis C virus (HCV) at the European Association for the Study of the Liver (EASL) Congress 2024, taking place June 5-8, 2024 in Milan, Italy. Preclinical data further demonstrating bemnifosbuvir?s high barrier to resistance and pharmacokinetics and ruzasvir?s low risk of drug-drug interactions will also be presented. More than 2 million people in the U.S. are living with chronic HCV, and approximately 100,000 new chronic cases are diagnosed each year.

HCV diagnoses continually outpace annual cure rates, as less than a third of those diagnosed with HCV receive timely treatment. As HCV persists, six main variants, or genotypes, have emerged. Genotype 1 is the most prevalent, while some variants, such as genotype 3, can be more difficult to treat due to mutations that enable the virus to develop resistance against existing HCV drugs.