On May 15, 2024, Ashford Hospitality Trust Inc announced that it had held its 2024 annual meeting of shareholders on May 14, 2024, and the estimated preliminary voting results reported by the Company. Accordingly, resolutions submitted by Blackwells Capital LLC to vote against the Company board nominees Monty J Bennett and Kamal Jafarniawere approved and nomination was not approved by the shareholders of the Company, vote against to Amish Gupta, J Robison Hays III, David W Johnson, Frederick J Kleisner, Sheri L Pantermuehl, Davinder Sonny Sra and Alan L Tallis, vote against the Company proposal regarding the approval of the advisory vote on the Company?s executive compensation, were not approved by the shareholders of the Company. Nominations made by the Company to nominate Amish Gupta, J Robison Hays III, David W Johnson, Frederick J Kleisner, Sheri L Pantermuehl, Davinder Sonny Sra and Alan L Tallis, a proposal to the approval of the advisory vote on the Company?s executive compensation were approved by the shareholders of the Company.

In accordance with the director resignation policy set forth in Section IX of the Company?s Corporate Governance Guidelines, each of Bennett and Jafarnia tendered their resignation as a director for consideration by the Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the board of directors of the Company and for the ultimate decision of the Board. The Nominating and Corporate Governance Committee of the Company recommended, after due consideration, that the Board should not accept Bennett and Jafarnia?s tendered resignations and the Board did not accept such resignations. As a result, Bennett and Jafarnia will continue serving on the Board.