October 25, 2013 Plus Bank chose Armada's GUARDEAN RiskSuite solution

Moscow, October 25, 2013 - Armada (MICEX-RTS: ARMD) and Plus Bank OJSC jointly presented the report «Reducing Operating Expenses in Retail Lending through High Levels of Automation» at the conference of Retail Finance «Lending and Risks in a Retail Bank». The Bank's presentation highlighted the reasons why it preferred GUARDEAN RiskSuite to a number of other solutions.

«Before choosing a supplier we conducted an in-depth analysis of proposals and the solution presented by Armada fully satisfied all our needs related to the work of risk managers of the bank,» said Kirill Grigoryev, Advisor to CEO of Plus Bank OJSC.

«The benefits of the GUARDEAN Risk Suite solution include technological criteria, such as the possibility of direct interaction with external sources without the use of a data bus and availability of a scripting language, decision trees, a module for working with various scorecards. The solution also has a number of crucial business components: versioning of the strategy elements, possibility of modifying it in a real time mode without involvement of IT specialists and other components,» said Elena Dotsenko, a representative of the bank.

About the bank
Plus Bank is a Russian retail bank founded in 1990. Since 2010, the Bank has been actively implementing the strategy of regional expansion, has opened a network of offices in 15 regional centers of Russia. The strategic direction of its business is the development of the retail car loan market and the small business lending market. The Bank was awarded the national award «The Company of the Year 2011» for contribution to the development of banking services. Website: www.plus-bank.ru

About the GUARDEAN RiskSuite solution
GUARDEAN RiskSuite is a modular software platform allowing to automate and manage all risk-related processes of interaction with customers: from processing of a loan application and evaluation of current customers to choosing an appropriate strategy for recovery of overdue debts.

GUARDEAN GmbH is an international developer and supplier of software products and services for effective risk management. GUARDEAN's products are used by well-known companies operating in the sphere of financial services, telecommunications, trade and industry: BMW Financial Services, BP, Credit Suisse, Deutsche Telekom, HUK-Coburg, Ingram Micro, Orange, RaabKarcher, Shell, SudLeasing, Telefonica Deutschland, Telekom Austria, Vodafone. Company's website: www.guardean.com

Armada is GUARDEAN's partner in the Russian market. Read mor