Gran Colombia Gold Corp. announced high-grade intercepts from the latest 72 diamond drill holes totaling 10,523 meters (approximately 33%) of the 2020 in-mine and near-mine drilling programs at its Segovia Operations. The company also announced the assay results from three additional kick-off diamond drill holes (1,707 meters) from the ongoing directional drilling program at the El Silencio Deep Zone. High-grade intercepts from eight diamond drill holes (594 meters) carried out by the Company's Mine Geology Department are also included in this announcement as they provide and corroborate information of interest for current and future development on different sectors of the Providencia and El Silencio mines. The planned 2020 in-mine and near-mine infill drilling campaigns commenced in early January with six diamond drillrigs operating from purpose-built underground and surface drill stations and comprise a total of 159 drill holes totaling approximately 31,400 meters or about 70% of the total drilling program for this year. The development of the planned drilling programs has been somewhat hampered by the restrictions resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic that has resulted in logistical difficulties and schedule disruptions. The other 30% of the planned drilling campaign for 2020 is focused on the regional exploration targets encompassing the 24 veins within the Segovia title not currently in production. As a result of COVID-19 limitations to access these areas, this portion of the program has been delayed until the second half of the year and the company expects to complete approximately 50% of its original plan for these targets.