MGC Pharmaceuticals Ltd. confirmed that it has received the European Cosmetics Products Notification Portal (CPNP) approval for the registration of its three CBD based dermatological products for the relief of acne, psoriasis and seborrhoea skin conditions. This successful CPNP registration follows the recent completion of the required safety assessments and human skin patch testing on 30 human volunteers, allowing the company to enable it to progress to CPNP approval as a dermatological tested product label in the European Union. The development of a dermatologically tested CBD skin care product range is a key priority for the company, given the significant commercial opportunity that CBD based dermatological skin care products represents globally. The company has entered the final phase of testing prior to production of its CBD based dermatological skin care products that have the potential to provide relief for a variety of skin conditions including acne, psoriasis and seborrhoea. MGC Pharmaceuticals aims to market these dermatological products to consumers who will be able to purchase them from anywhere around the globe via the MGC Derma online shop, or select retail outlets and pharmacy chains. MGC Pharmaceuticals is moving to clinical tests on human volunteers in January 2017 that will take place at a Slovenian dermatology clinic to determine the efficacy of its dermatological product range. This is a three month clinical trial on human volunteers across its 3 CBD based dermatological products to investigate their efficacy for the relief of indications of redness, dryness, flake skin, acneic and oily skin in human volunteers, which have the symptoms of psoriasis, acne and seborrhoea conditions. MGC Pharmaceuticals now expects to commence these final phase clinical tests in Slovenia by the end of January.