2023 SASB Index

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Air Quality

Energy Management

Water Management

Waste Management

Product Safety

Product Lifecycle Management

Supply Chain Management

Activity Metrics

Aptar 2023 SASB Index

The Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB) categorizes Aptar within its Containers and Packaging Industry, under its Sustainable Industry Classification System (SICS). Our SASB response is a supplement to our 2023 Corporate Sustainability Report and GRI Index. This report highlights activities across Aptar global operations from January 1 through December 31, 2023. Our scope encompasses initiatives undertaken by Aptar and its subsidiaries during the calendar year unless otherwise indicated and data given within this report mirrors information given within our most recent sustainability report and/or CDP responses. Relevant links are provided.


Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Air Quality

Energy Management

Water Management

Waste Management

Product Safety

Product Lifecycle Management

Supply Chain Management

Activity Metrics

Greenhouse Gas Emissions





Gross global Scope 1 emissions,

percentage covered under emissions- limiting regulations.

Gross global Scope 1 emissions in 2023: 24,660 metric tons CO2e.

Our climate commitments are part of how we care for the environment. Aptar has set science-based targets (SBTs) for Scope 1 and

Scope 2 emissions reductions that are in line with requirements to keep global warming at 1.5° Celsius by 2030. In addition, we have

a renewable electricity target, as well as a Scope 3 target. Aptar's targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets

Initiative (SBTi). They are as follows:

  • Aptar commits to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 82% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
  • Aptar commits to reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations, and downstream transportation and distribution 14% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
  • Aptar also commits to increase annual sourcing of renewable electricity from 57% in 2019 to 100% by 2030.

In 2023, we achieved a significant reduction (77%) in absolute Scope 1+2 GHG emission from 2019 baseline. At year-end 2023, 97%

of our total electricity consumption was from renewable energy sources, which on track to achieve 100% by 2030.

In addition, Aptar reports on our supplier engagement annually through the CDP climate change questionnaire, which gives every

participating company a Supplier Engagement Rating (SER), and through our own EcoVadis assessment.

In early 2024, we received A rating on our SER performance and were recognized on the Supplier Engagement Leaderboard by CDP for the fourth consecutive year, for working with our suppliers on governance, targets, Scope 3 emissions and value chain


Aptar discloses Scope 1, 2 & 3 emissions data within our annual Sustainability Report and CDP Climate Change Response.

For recent information, please visit the relevant links below.

2023 Sustainability Report and GRI Index (PDF pages: 15 and 70-72)CDP Climate Change Response

Science Based Target Validation Certificate


Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Air Quality

Energy Management

Water Management

Waste Management

Product Safety

Product Lifecycle Management

Supply Chain Management

Activity Metrics

Greenhouse Gas Emissions





Discussion of long-term and short-term

strategy or plan to manage Scope 1 emissions, emissions reduction targets, and an analysis of performance against those targets.

Our climate commitments are part of how we care for the environment. Aptar has set science-based targets (SBTs) for Scope 1 and

Scope 2 emissions reductions that are in line with requirements to keep global warming at 1.5° Celsius by 2030. In addition, we have a renewable electricity target, as well as a Scope 3 target. Aptar's targets have been validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi). They are as follows:

  • Aptar commits to reduce absolute Scope 1 and 2 GHG emissions 82% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
  • Aptar commits to reduce absolute Scope 3 GHG emissions from purchased goods and services, upstream transportation and distribution, waste generated in operations, and downstream transportation and distribution 14% by 2030 from a 2019 base year.
  • Aptar also commits to increase annual sourcing of renewable electricity from 57% in 2019 to 100% by 2030.

Aptar's climate transition plan includes actions that align with climate science and support the transition to a low-carbon economy. In

addition, Aptar developed an ISO 14064-1 Compliant Greenhouse Gas Emissions (GHG) management system to map and ensure

accurate carbon accounting and reporting.

2023 Sustainability Report and GRI Index (PDF pages: 15 and 70-72)

Energy Use and Reporting

CDP Climate Change Response

Science Based Target Validation Certificate


Greenhouse Gas Emissions Air Quality Energy Management Water Management Waste Management Product Safety Product Lifecycle Management Supply Chain Management Activity Metrics

Air Quality





Air emissions of the following pollutants:

Aptar is currently not disclosing air emissions pollutants requested by SASB section RT-CP-120a.1, however we considered GHGs


NOX (excluding N2O)

Kyoto Protocol emissions expressed as CO2 equivalent including CO2, CH4, N2O, HFCs, PFCs, SF6, NF3.



Scope 1 total CO2e direct emissions is 24,660 metric tons CO2e, equal to 5% of the total GHG emissions, of which 23,901 metric


Volatile organic compounds (VOCs)

tons are from CO2, 216 metric tons from CH4, 42 metric tons from N20 and 501 metric tons from HFCs. Calculations were made


Particulate matter (PM)

according to the standard ISO 14064-1:2018 Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals.

2023 Sustainability Report and GRI Index (PDF pages: 15 and 70-72)CDP Climate Change Response

2023 Verification Statement for ISO 14064-1 Compliant Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Air Quality

Energy Management

Water Management

Waste Management

Product Safety

Product Lifecycle Management

Supply Chain Management

Activity Metrics

Energy Management





  1. Total energy consumed
  2. Percentage grid electricity
  3. Percentage renewable
  4. Total self-generated energy

In 2023,

  1. Total energy consumption:
    1. total electricity: 546,138,783 KWH;
    2. total natural gas and fuels: 117,483,296 KWH
  2. Percentage grid electricity: all purchased electricity is sourced from the grid. Aptar does not include self-generated electricity.
  3. Percentage of global electricity consumption coming from renewable sources: 97%.
    As a part of our science-based targets, Aptar is investigating ways to increase our renewable energy purchases. A list of Aptar sites sourcing renewable energy and additional information about our energy consumption can be found within our GRI Index.
  4. Total self-generated energy: Not applicable.

2023 Sustainability Report and GRI Index (PDF pages: 65-66)

CDP Climate Change Response

2023 Verification Statement for ISO 14064-1 Compliant Greenhouse Gas Emissions


Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Air Quality

Energy Management

Water Management

Waste Management

Product Safety

Product Lifecycle Management

Supply Chain Management

Activity Metrics

Water Management





  1. Total water withdrawn
  2. Total water consumed, percentage of each in regions with High or Extremely High Baseline Water Stress

In 2023,

  1. Total water withdrawn: 4,001 megaliters
  2. Total water consumption: 342 megaliters

Water is not identified as a critically material indicator by our stakeholders because it is not a key raw material component in our processes. Most of our manufacturing facilities have closed loop water systems and, overall, Aptar sites consume less than three percent of our total water withdrawal. What we return to the ecosystem is often at a better quality than what was drawn, due to these internal closed loop and water treatment processes.

We collect withdrawal and discharge water metrics from all sites monthly and report this information annually within the CDP Water

questionnaire. During our most recent water-risk assessment, all of Aptar's manufacturing locations were mapped relative to regions of water risk via the World Wildlife Fund's Water Risk Filter, with particular attention on the physical-risk category, which poses the

most immediate and potentially disruptive threats to business continuity. Through this assessment, four sites were identified as medium high or very-high physical risk. As reported via the CDP Water Questionnaire, these water-scarce sites are developing contingency plans if local water supplies fall below the level needed to maintain operations.

Additionally, Aptar's site leaders are trained annual on water management and water circularity. This training provides examples of

actions site leaders can take to reduce water consumption, reduce water risks, measure, monitor, and report on their water use.

2023 Sustainability Report and GRI Index (PDF pages: 66-67)CDP Water Security Response


Greenhouse Gas Emissions Air Quality Energy Management Water Management Waste Management Product Safety Product Lifecycle Management Supply Chain Management Activity Metrics

Water Management





Description of water management risks and

Water risks are assessed in alignment to the standards set by the Task Force for Climate-Related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) and

discussion of strategies and practices to

incorporated into our Enterprise Risk Management processes. We do not anticipate significant risk due to water stress because of

mitigate those risks.

our closed loop systems and contingency plans. Detailed information about water management risks and strategies to mitigate those

risks can be found within the most recent CDP response.

2023 Sustainability Report and GRI Index (PDF pages: 66-67)

CDP Water Security Response

Aptar's Task Force for Climate Related Financial Discourses (TCFD)


Number of incidents of non-compliance

There were no incidents of water related non-compliance within the reporting year.

associated with water quality permits,

standards, and regulations.


Greenhouse Gas Emissions Air Quality Energy Management Water Management Waste Management Product Safety Product Lifecycle Management Supply Chain Management Activity Metrics

Waste Management





Amount of hazardous waste-generated,

In 2023, total hazardous waste was 17,926 tons.

percentage recycled.

Established in 2013, and based on the Zero Waste International Alliance protocol, Aptar's internal Landfill Free program (LFF)

encourages the reduction, reuse and recycling of waste byproducts from our manufacturing processes. Since 2013, the program has

been a focus initiative that is integrated into our global strategy. As of year-end 2023, 63% of all sites certified to the LFF program.

These sites have proven, by third-party verification audit, to have at least 90 percent recycle/reuse of operational wastes. Aptar

collects data regarding waste disposal amounts from all locations globally on a monthly basis, including total nonhazardous waste to

landfill and total hazardous waste. We monitor waste disposal avoidance in all sites.

At year-end 2023, Aptar achieved an 86% disposal avoidance of operational wastes, surpassing our 2023 target of 84%. We are

working with global partners to expand the Landfill Free program to North and Southeast Asia where recycling opportunities and

waste tracking processes are less available.

2023 Sustainability Report and GRI Index (PDF pages: 73-74)

List of Landfill Free Certified Sites


Greenhouse Gas Emissions Air Quality Energy Management Water Management Waste Management Product Safety Product Lifecycle Management Supply Chain Management Activity Metrics

Product Safety





Number of recalls issued, total units

We did not issue any product recalls in the reporting year.



Discussion of process to identify and

Product Stewardship remains a high material topic as evidenced by the results of Aptar's most recent materiality assessment.

manage emerging materials and chemicals

Designing products to reduce negative environmental, health and safety impacts is critical. This includes:

of concern.

Phasing out chemicals of concern

Designing products to include more recycled or reclaimed content

Sourcing efforts to increase recycled content in raw materials

• Increasing reusability and recyclability

• Decreasing the product life cycle impact

Increasing efficiency of product use

Aptar maintains a Regulatory Policy, which states our commitment to improve the quality, safety and environmental impact of our products. This policy is available on the Aptar website. Over the past few years, Aptar has taken a range of significant actions to eliminate chemicals of concern within our own product lines. Materials identified for phase out of Aptar products include: formaldehyde (POM), styrene (ABS, SAN), vinyl chloride (PVC) and bisphenol A (PC, epoxy). Aptar has developed an internal system with targets and KPIs to track progress towards the elimination of these chemicals of concern. All Aptar products are assessed for health and safety impacts and improvement. For recent information, please visit the relevant links below.

2023 Sustainability Report and GRI Index (PDF pages: 45-46)

Sustainable Product Solutions

Aptar Regulatory Policy



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AptarGroup Inc. published this content on 10 July 2024 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 10 July 2024 19:05:06 UTC.