Genoa, 31st December 2014

Ansaldo STS, a Finmeccanica company, following the signature of contractual and financing agreements related to Milan Metro line 4, is fully entitled for the implementation of the work, for a total value of approximately 265 million Euros, of which about 47 million already booked in the previous year.

The scope of work for Ansaldo STS includes protection, supervision and control of driverless and unmanned trains, supplying and installing the signaling and automation systems, power supply systems, doors protection, entry gates, ticketing machines, maintenance facilities and, in collaboration with Sirti, telecommunication systems.

Milan Metro line 4 will be the first driverless metro in Italy equipped with the innovative CBTC technology (Communication Based Train Control).

The above line will link Milan airport with San Cristoforo rail station, from East to West across the city of Milan, covering a distance of 14.5 km with 15 stations. The construction period is scheduled for approximately 7 years.

Thanks to this contract Ansaldo STS consolidates its worldwide leadership in the driverless and unmanned metro realizations.

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