The board of directors of Anhui Expressway Company Limited announced that, pursuant to the nomination from the general manager of the Company, and followed by the consideration by the human resources and remuneration committee of the Company, the Board resolved to appoint Ms. Deng Ping ("Ms. Deng") as a deputy general manager of the Company for a term commencing from the passing date of the Board resolution to the expiry date of the term of the current session of the Board. She served as deputy head and the head of the road maintenance section of Hefei management office, and deputy head of Hefei management office, of Anhui Expressway Holding Corporation, deputy head of toll management department of Anhui Expressway Holding Group Company Limited, and deputy head of toll management department of Anhui Transportation Operations Management Company Limited (expressway operation division). From August 2016 to June 2020, Ms. Deng served as the deputy head of operation management department in Anhui Transportation Holding Group Company Limited.