American International Ventures Inc. announced that they entered into a contract to acquire the 704 acre parcel known as the Patented Golden Eagle Placers Extension from Mr. & Mrs. Tucker White. Mr. White was appointed by the board of directors as President and put in charge of the Golden Eagle Mines simultaneously with the acquisition. Mr. White will begin site preparation and camp setup on May 10, 2012. Mining operations are scheduled to begin June 1, 2012. The property included water rights. Mr. White acquired 704 acres of patented claims in 2011, which are just south of the Golden Eagle Mine. Mr. White was instrumental in the company's acquisition of the Golden Eagle when deciding he wanted to become larger than just a medium size placer operation and joined forces with American International Ventures Inc. as President, contemporaneously selling the 704 acres of patented claims to the company, in order to run the operation of the combined 1,000 acres and the development of a gold and silver operation at the Golden Eagle Mine and placer extensions.