Advanced Micro Devices, Inc. announced ROCm 3.0, bringing support for new compilers and HPC applications. At SC19, Papermaster will be on a panel along with CTOs from Cray, CERN and Xilinx to discuss the unique innovations in exascale systems and beyond, including new technical breakthroughs across hardware, software and programming tools. Amazon Web Services (AWS) is expanding its use of AMD EPYC processors, announcing the upcoming launch of two new Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (Amazon EC2) compute-optimized instances. These instances, C5a and C5ad, will be powered by custom 2nd Gen AMD EPYC processors, running at frequencies up to 3.3Ghz. C5a and C5ad will come in 8 virtualized sizes with up to 96 vCPUs which will provide additional choices to help customers optimize both cost and performance for a variety of compute intensive workloads, including batch processing, distributed analytics, and web applications. Both instances will be available in bare metal variants which will enable customers to run applications that benefit from direct access to the processor and memory resources of the underlying server. These instances will have 192 logical processors on 96 physical cores, which will be twice the largest instance size offered in the EC2 compute-optimized instance family. The C5a and C5ad bare metal instance will be able to utilize 100 Gbps network bandwidth and will be compatible with Elastic Fabric Adapter, enabling customers to scale up High Performance Computing and other large compute intensive workloads. The new instances will be available soon across multiple AWS regions. HPC organizations are continuing to adopt the 2nd Gen AMD EPYC processor and Radeon Instinct accelerators for more powerful and efficient supercomputing systems. The 2nd Gen EPYC processors provide twice the manufacturing application performancei and up to 60% faster Life Sciences simulations than competing solutions, while the Radeon Instinct GPU accelerator provides up to 6.6 peak theoretical TFLOPS Double Precision performance for HPC workloads. Both products support PCIe® 4.0 enabling high-bandwidth interconnect for faster compute across heterogenous systems.