On January 18, 2023, Sarissa Capital Management LP announced that it puts little faith in Chairman Per Wold-Olsen's board refreshment process that resulted in no shareholder representatives on the board. Sarissa expressed that the board's refusal to consider shareholder input on the board despite Amarin Corporation plc's failures indicates the current board does not prioritize interests of shareholders. In June 2022, shareholders loudly expressed their lack of faith in the board and management at the shareholder meeting and the shareholders such as Sarissa share the concern, among many concerns, that the current management and board will continue to overpromise and underdeliver and destroy shareholder capital, mismanage expenses, run out of money and massively dilute existing shareholders.

Sarissa stated that it can only conclude that the Company's board does not seek real change and instead wants to remain entrenched at the expense of shareholders. In addition, Sarissa stated that it is asking all shareholders to remain engaged and voice their opinions by voting at the special meeting.