Breathtec Biomedical Inc. reported on the development of its Breathtec Disease Detection Breathalyzer ("V2") prototype based on the FAIMS (field asymmetric waveform ion mobility spectrometry) technology. In collaboration with Cannabix Technologies, the V2 prototype is now complete. The new device, classified as "V3" is designed to operate both independently with its own self-contained FAIMS detector, or coupled in tandem directly to a triple-quadrupole Mass Spectrometer (MS) device.

The device also incorporates several technological enhancements, including a modular design for faster iterative development, as well as size reduction into a compact Point-of-Care (POC) design. Preliminary bench testing indicates a direct correlation between the V3 device and the MS. The MS is considered the gold standard in biomarker detection and it is anticipated that any results from a breathalyzer for disease detection will have to be independently verified by MS. The company plans to further develop the V3 device and implement findings from ongoing research conducted on biomarkers found in the breath that are associated with diseases, and continue on the path of developing hand-held Breathtec Disease Detection Breathalyzers to be non-invasive and highly accurate detection methods for various diseases.