Autolus Therapeutics plc announced that it has signed a long-term, full-building lease with Alexandria Real Estate Equities, Inc. for the construction and development of an 85,000 square foot build-to-suit facility to be located in the Shady Grove Life Sciences Center in Rockville, Maryland. The new facility will house offices for Autolus'U.S.-based research and development, commercial and corporate functions and serve as its first full commercial-scale manufacturing center, with a planned capacity to produce 5,000 T cell therapies annually. In addition, Autolus has established a temporary U.S. headquarters in Rockville until the new facility is ready for occupancy, which is currently expected to occur in 2021. In addition to the future full commercial-scale manufacturing facility in the United States, Autolus is also initiating build-out of a manufacturing facility in Enfield, U.K. that will open in 2020 and supply global commercial viral vector as well as commercial T cell therapy products.