Alba Mineral Resources Plc reported on the progress of ongoing works at the Company's 100% owned Clogau-St David's Gold Mine in north Wales. The Company also confirms an extension to the option period in respect of its option over the Andover West Lithium Project in Western Australia. Key Points - Clogau: Processing of Waste Tip: Further improvements made to onsite pilot processing plant; All of the Trench 3 fines (sampled grade 17g/t Au) have now been processed, Underground Operations: Dewatering ongoing, with water level remaining steady below No.

4 Level despite recent heavy rains. Preparations ongoing for underground bulk sampling at primary Llechfraith Target, with final development plan now in place and roll-out of underground work plan in progress, including: High-powered pump acquired for dewatering down to No.5 Level; Access to onsite historic explosives magazine reinstated; Site visit undertaken by Police as the issuer of explosives certificate; Selection process for key contractors nearing completion. Key Points - Andover West Lithium: Option Period extended to 18 June 2024 to enable completion of due diligence.

Details: Onsite Pilot Processing Plant and Waste Tip Processing: Further improvements have been made to the Company's onsite pilot processing plant at Clogau. In particular, a milling stage has been added to the process circuit and material is now being subjected to several passes over the shaking and wave tables. These adaptations have succeeded in greatly reducing the weight of concentrate which will have to be sent offsite for final refining.

This in turn is expected to materially improve the overall economics of the production of gold from Clogau. As reported on 15 May 2024, in the first phase of trenching over the Waste Tip a total of 33 tonnes of fines were collected from four trenches. The processing and refining of samples from each of those trenches resulted in Trench 3 returning the highest-grade results, with a back-calculated head grade of 17.22 g/t or 0.55 oz/t. All of Trench 3 has now been processed at the Company's onsite processing plant.

The gold content of the Trench 3 concentrates will only be known once those concentrates have been refined at the Company's offsite refiner. Underground Bulk Sampling of the Llechfraith Target: Preparations are ongoing for the underground bulk sampling of the Company's primary gold target within the Mine, the Llechfraith Target. A final development plan is now in place for taking bulk samples from two zones.

The forward work plan includes the following aspects, among others: Completion of dewatering down to No. 5 Level. At present, the water level within the Lower Llechfraith workings remains steady below No.

4 level, despite recent heavy rains. A high-powered pump has recently been acquired in order to facilitate the completion of dewatering down to No.5 Level and, thereafter, in order to maintain the water level below No. 5 Level.

Implementation of appropriate measures in relation to the handling and use of explosives. Access to the historic explosives magazine close to the Mine has been reinstated and a site visit undertaken by the Police as the issuer of the necessary explosives certificate. The selection of specialist contractors is nearing completion, notably contractors who will undertake: the No.

5 Level safety works; the installation of ventilation, compressed air and water pipes to the lower levels; the installation of a 5-tonne winch system from No.5 Level to the top of the Llechfraith Shaft; the supply and use of explosives; and the bulk sampling operation itself (i.e., drilling, blasting and mucking out). Andover West Lithium Project: Further to the announcement of 24 April 2024 that the Company had secured an option to acquire an initial 50% interest in the lithium rights over the highly prospective Andover West Lithium Project in the West Pilbara, Western Australia, the parties have agreed to extend the option period to 18 June 2024 to enable the Company to complete its due diligence.