First Quarter 2020 in Summary                      31
  First Quarter 2020 Results of Operations           33
  Reconciliations of Non-GAAP Financial Measures     38
  Liquidity and Capital Resources                    42
  Contractual Obligations                            44
  Pension Benefits                                   44
  Commitments and Contingencies                      45
  Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements                     45
  Related Party Transactions                         45
  Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates         45
  New Accounting Guidance                            45

The discussion that follows includes a comparison of our results of operations
and liquidity and capital resources for fiscal years 2020 and 2019. The
disclosures provided in this quarterly report are complementary to those made in
our 2019 Form 10-K.



Table of Contents

The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the consolidated
financial statements and the accompanying notes contained in this quarterly
report. Unless otherwise stated, financial information is presented in millions
of dollars, except for per share data.
The financial measures included in the discussion that follows are presented in
accordance with U.S. generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"), except
as noted. We present certain financial measures on a non-GAAP ("adjusted") basis
because we believe such measures, when viewed together with financial results
computed in accordance with GAAP, provide a more complete understanding of the
factors and trends affecting our historical financial performance and projected
future results. For each non-GAAP financial measure, including adjusted diluted
earnings per share ("EPS"), adjusted EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA margin, and
adjusted effective tax rate, we present a reconciliation to the most directly
comparable financial measure calculated in accordance with GAAP. These
reconciliations and explanations regarding the use of these measures are
presented on pages 38-42.

FIRST QUARTER 2020 IN SUMMARY The results below are compared to the first quarter of fiscal year 2019. • Sales of $2,254.7 increased 1%, or $30.7, as higher volumes of 6% and

favorable pricing of 3% were mostly offset by lower energy and natural gas

cost pass-through to customers of 5%, the impact of a contract modification

to a tolling arrangement in India of 2%, and a negative impact from currency

of 1%.

• Operating income of $561.0 increased 23%, or $106.0, and operating margin of

24.9% increased 440 basis points ("bp").

• Net income of $488.9 increased 37%, or $131.9, and net income margin of 21.7%

increased 570 bp.

• Adjusted EBITDA of $908.4 increased 14%, or $113.5, and adjusted EBITDA

margin of 40.3% increased 460 bp.

• Diluted EPS of $2.14 increased 36%, or $0.57 per share. Adjusted diluted EPS

    of $2.14 increased 15%, or $0.28 per share. A summary table of changes in
    diluted EPS is presented below.



Table of Contents

Changes in Diluted EPS Attributable to Air Products

                                                       Three Months Ended
                                                          31 December                Increase
                                                       2019             2018        (Decrease)
Diluted EPS                                                 $2.14         $1.57           $0.57
Operating Impacts
Underlying business
Volume                                                                                    $0.15
Price, net of variable costs                                                               0.25
Other costs                                                                               (0.12 )
Facility closure                                                                           0.10
Total Operating Impacts                                                                   $0.38
Other Impacts
Equity affiliates' income                                                                 $0.02
Interest expense                                                                           0.07
Other non-operating income (expense), net                                                 (0.04 )
Change in effective tax rate, excluding
discrete items below                                                                      (0.02 )
Tax reform repatriation                                                                   (0.07 )
Tax reform adjustment related to deemed
foreign dividends                                                                          0.26
Noncontrolling interests                                                                  (0.02 )
Weighted average diluted shares                                                           (0.01 )
Total Other Impacts                                                                       $0.19
Total Change in Diluted EPS                                                               $0.57

                                                       Three Months Ended
                                                           31 December              Increase
                                                        2019            2018       (Decrease)
Diluted EPS                                                 $2.14        $1.57          $0.57
Facility closure                                                -         0.10          (0.10 )
Tax reform repatriation                                         -        (0.07 )         0.07
Tax reform adjustment related to deemed foreign
dividends                                                       -         0.26          (0.26 )
Adjusted Diluted EPS                                        $2.14        $1.86          $0.28



Table of Contents

Discussion of Consolidated Results
                               Three Months Ended
                                   31 December
                               2019          2018        $ Change      Change
GAAP Measures
Sales                        $2,254.7      $2,224.0         $30.7         1 %
Operating income                561.0         455.0         106.0        23 %
Operating margin                 24.9 %        20.5 %           -       440  bp
Equity affiliates' income        58.2          52.9           5.3        10 %
Net income                      488.9         357.0         131.9        37 %
Net income margin                21.7 %        16.0 %           -       570  bp
Non-GAAP Measures
Adjusted EBITDA                $908.4        $794.9        $113.5        14 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin           40.3 %        35.7 %           -    460 bp

Sales % Change from Prior Year
Volume                                    6  %
Price                                     3  %
Energy and natural gas cost pass-through (5 )%
Currency                                 (1 )%
Other(A)                                 (2 )%
Total Consolidated Sales Change           1  %

(A) Includes the impact from the modification of a hydrogen supply contract to a

     tolling arrangement in India in December 2018 (the "India contract

Sales of $2,254.7 increased 1%, or $30.7, as higher volumes of 6% and favorable
pricing of 3% were mostly offset by lower energy and natural gas cost
pass-through to customers of 5%, the India contract modification of 2%, and a
negative impact from currency of 1%. Both volume and price were higher across
the regional segments. The volume growth was driven by modest base business
growth, new plants, acquisitions, and a short-term contract in Asia. The pricing
improvement was attributable to our merchant business. Unfavorable currency
impacts were driven by the Chinese Renminbi and Euro.
Cost of Sales and Gross Margin
Cost of sales of $1,486.6 decreased 5%, or $86.4, from total cost of sales of
$1,573.0 in the prior year, which included the facility closure further
discussed below. The decrease from the prior year was primarily driven by lower
energy and natural gas cost pass-through to customers of $102, the favorable
impact from the India contract modification of $41, the facility closure of $29
that occurred in the prior year, and positive currency impacts of $22, partially
offset by higher costs attributable to sales volumes of $97 and higher other
costs of $10. Gross margin of 34.1% increased 480 bp, primarily due to positive
pricing, lower energy and natural gas cost pass-through to customers, the
facility closure that occurred in the prior year, and the India contract
modification, partially offset by unfavorable net operating costs.
Facility Closure
In December 2018, one of our customers was subject to a government enforced
shutdown due to environmental reasons. As a result, we recognized a charge of
$29.0 ($22.1 after-tax, or $0.10 per share) during the first quarter of fiscal
year 2019 primarily related to the write-off of onsite assets. This charge is
reflected as "Facility closure" on our consolidated income statements for the
three months ended 31 December 2018.



Table of Contents

Selling and Administrative
Selling and administrative expense of $201.7 increased 6%, or $12.1, from
investing in business development resources to support our growth strategy.
Selling and administrative expense as a percentage of sales increased from 8.5%
to 8.9%.
Research and Development
Research and development expense of $17.7 increased 18%, or $2.7. Research and
development expense as a percentage of sales increased from 0.7% to 0.8%.
Other Income (Expense), Net
Other income (expense), net of $12.3 increased 43%, or $3.7, primarily due to
foreign exchange impacts.
Operating Income and Operating Margin
Operating income of $561.0 increased 23%, or $106.0, primarily due to positive
pricing, net of power and fuel costs, of $69, favorable volumes of $40, and a
charge for a facility closure of $29 in the prior year, partially offset by
higher net operating costs of $30. Operating margin of 24.9% increased 440 bp,
primarily due to positive pricing, the prior year facility closure, and lower
energy and natural gas cost pass-through to customers, partially offset by
unfavorable net operating costs.
Equity Affiliates' Income
Equity affiliates' income of $58.2 increased 10%, or $5.3, primarily due to the
Jazan Gas Projects Company joint venture.
Interest Expense
                             Three Months Ended
                                 31 December
                                2019        2018
Interest incurred                   $22.4   $40.0
Less: Capitalized interest            3.7     2.7
Interest expense                    $18.7   $37.3

Interest incurred decreased 44%, or $17.6. The prior year included $8.3 of
interest expense related to foreign currency forward points and currency swap
basis differences of our cash flow hedges of intercompany loans. As discussed in
Note 2, New Accounting Guidance, to the consolidated financial statements, we
adopted new accounting guidance on hedging activities that changed the
presentation of these items from "Interest expense, net" to "Other non-operating
income (expense), net" in fiscal year 2020. In addition to this presentation
change, interest expense decreased due to lower interest expense associated with
financing the Lu'An joint venture and a lower average debt balance. Capitalized
interest increased 37%, or $1.0, due to an increase in the carrying value of
projects under construction.
Other Non-Operating Income (Expense), Net
Other non-operating income (expense), net, of $9.1 decreased 51%, or $9.4,
primarily due to the impact of the adoption of the guidance on hedging
activities discussed above and lower interest income on cash and cash items,
partially offset by higher non-service pension income.
Net Income and Net Income Margin
Net income of $488.9 increased 37%, or $131.9, primarily due to positive pricing
and higher volumes as well as the impacts from the facility closure and the U.S.
Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in the prior year. Net income margin of 21.7% increased
570 bp, primarily due to the factors noted above as well as lower energy
pass-through and the India contract modification.
Adjusted EBITDA and Adjusted EBITDA Margin
Adjusted EBITDA of $908.4 increased 14%, or $113.5, primarily due to positive
pricing and higher volumes. Adjusted EBITDA margin of 40.3% increased 460 bp,
primarily due to positive pricing, lower energy pass-through, and the India
contract modification. The lower energy pass-through and the India contract
modification contributed 230 bp.



Table of Contents

Effective Tax Rate
The effective tax rate equals the income tax provision divided by income before
taxes. The effective tax rate was 19.8% and 27.0% in the first quarter of fiscal
years 2020 and 2019, respectively.
The higher 2019 tax rate reflected a discrete net income tax expense of $40.6
related to impacts from the U.S. Tax Cuts and Jobs Act (the "Tax Act"). The net
expense included the reversal of a non-recurring $56.2 ($.26 per share) benefit
recorded in 2018 related to the U.S. taxation of deemed foreign dividends. This
was partially offset by a benefit of $15.6 ($0.07 per share) to finalize our
estimates of the impacts of the Tax Act and reduce the total expected costs of
the deemed repatriation tax. Additionally, the current year included higher
excess tax benefits on share-based compensation in 2020. These impacts were
partially offset by beneficial changes in foreign tax law and changes in
valuation allowance recorded at various entities in 2019.
The adjusted effective tax rate increased from 19.0% in the first quarter of
fiscal year 2019 to 19.8% in the first quarter of fiscal year 2020. This
increase was primarily driven by beneficial changes in foreign tax law and
changes in valuation allowance recorded at various entities in 2019. This
increase was partially offset by higher excess tax benefits on share-based
compensation in 2020.
Refer to Note 15, Income Taxes, to the consolidated financial statements for
additional information.
Segment Analysis
Industrial Gases - Americas
                               Three Months Ended
                                  31 December
                                2019         2018       $ Change    % Change
Sales                           $936.2      $989.2       ($53.0 )       (5 )%
Operating income                 257.2       219.2         38.0         17  %
Operating margin                  27.5 %      22.2 %          -     530 bp
Equity affiliates' income         20.6        22.6         (2.0 )       (9 )%
Adjusted EBITDA                  409.6       367.4         42.2         11  %
Adjusted EBITDA margin            43.8 %      37.1 %          -     670 bp

Sales % Change from Prior Year
Volume                                          1  %
Price                                           3  %

Energy and natural gas cost pass-through (8 )% Currency

                                       (1 )%

Total Industrial Gases - Americas Sales Change (5 )%

Sales of $936.2 decreased 5%, or $53.0, as lower energy and natural gas cost
pass-through of 8% and a negative impact from currency of 1% were only partially
offset by positive pricing of 3% and higher volumes of 1%. The pricing
improvement was driven by our merchant business.
Operating income of $257.2 increased 17%, or $38.0, primarily due to higher
pricing, net of power and fuel costs, of $28 and favorable volumes of $7.
Operating margin of 27.5% increased 530 bp, primarily due to positive pricing,
lower energy and natural gas cost pass-through to customers, and favorable cost
performance, including lower maintenance.
Equity affiliates' income of $20.6 decreased 9%, or $2.0, primarily due to
higher costs.



Table of Contents

Industrial Gases - EMEA (Europe, Middle East, and Africa)

                               Three Months Ended
                                  31 December
                                2019         2018       $ Change    % Change
Sales                           $498.7      $524.2       ($25.5 )     (5)%
Operating income                 120.5       105.6         14.9       14%
Operating margin                  24.2 %      20.1 %          -      410 bp
Equity affiliates' income         19.3        13.7          5.6       41%
Adjusted EBITDA                  188.2       165.6         22.6       14%
Adjusted EBITDA margin            37.7 %      31.6 %          -      610 bp

Sales % Change from Prior Year
Volume                                      6  %
Price                                       3  %
Energy and natural gas cost pass-through   (4 )%
Currency                                   (2 )%
Other(A)                                   (8 )%

Total Industrial Gases - EMEA Sales Change (5 )%

(A) Includes the impact from the modification of a hydrogen supply contract to a

     tolling arrangement in India in December 2018 (the "India contract

Sales of $498.7 decreased 5%, or $25.5, as the negative impact from the India
contract modification of 8%, lower energy and natural gas cost pass-through to
customers of 4%, and unfavorable currency impacts of 2% were only partially
offset by favorable volumes of 6% and positive pricing of 3%. Volumes increased
primarily due to demand for hydrogen in our Rotterdam pipeline system and from
the carbon dioxide business we acquired in the second quarter of fiscal year
2019. The pricing improvement was attributable to our merchant business. The
negative currency impact was mainly driven by the Euro.
Operating income of $120.5 increased 14%, or $14.9, primarily due to higher
pricing, net of power and fuel costs, of $20 and favorable volumes of $5,
partially offset by higher costs of $8 and unfavorable currency impacts of
$2. Operating margin of 24.2% increased 410 bp, primarily due to favorable
pricing, the impact of the India contract modification, and lower energy and
natural gas cost pass-through to customers, partially offset by higher costs.
The lower energy and natural gas pass-through and the India contract
modification contributed 240 bp.
Equity affiliates' income of $19.3 increased 41%, or $5.6, primarily due to the
Jazan Gas Projects Company joint venture.
Industrial Gases - Asia
                               Three Months Ended
                                  31 December
                                2019         2018       $ Change    % Change
Sales                           $692.8      $626.8         $66.0      11%
Operating income                 228.5       201.8          26.7      13%
Operating margin                  33.0 %      32.2 %           -     80 bp
Equity affiliates' income         16.9        16.2           0.7       4%
Adjusted EBITDA                  347.0       297.9          49.1      16%
Adjusted EBITDA margin            50.1 %      47.5 %           -     260 bp



Table of Contents

Sales % Change from Prior Year
Volume                                      9  %
Price                                       4  %
Energy and natural gas cost pass-through    -  %
Currency                                   (2 )%

Total Industrial Gases - Asia Sales Change 11 %

Sales of $692.8 increased 11%, or $66.0, as higher volumes of 9% and positive
pricing of 4% were partially offset by unfavorable currency impacts of 2%. The
volume increase was primarily driven by new plants onstream, base business
growth, and a short-term supply contract. Pricing improved across Asia, driven
by our merchant business. The unfavorable currency impact was primarily
attributable to the Chinese Renminbi. Energy and natural gas cost pass-through
to customers was flat versus the prior year.
Operating income of $228.5 increased 13%, or $26.7, due to positive pricing, net
of power and fuel costs, of $20 and favorable volumes of $16, partially offset
by higher net operating costs of $6 and unfavorable currency impacts of
$3. Operating margin of 33.0% increased 80 bp, primarily due to positive
pricing, partially offset by higher net operating costs.
Equity affiliates' income of $16.9 increased 4%, or $0.7.
Industrial Gases - Global
The Industrial Gases - Global segment includes sales of cryogenic and gas
processing equipment for air separation and centralized global costs associated
with management of all the Industrial Gases segments.
                      Three Months Ended
                         31 December
                        2019         2018      $ Change    % Change
Sales                      $92.6     $68.2       $24.4       36  %
Operating income             3.6       3.9        (0.3 )     (8 )%
Adjusted EBITDA              7.4       6.4         1.0       16  %

Sales of $92.6 increased 36%, or $24.4. The increase in sales was primarily
driven by unusually high other project activity.
Operating income of $3.6 decreased 8%, or $0.3, as the current quarter project
activity was mostly offset by favorable impacts from the Jazan project in the
prior year.
Corporate and other
The Corporate and other segment includes our liquefied natural gas ("LNG"),
turbo machinery equipment, and distribution sale of equipment businesses and
corporate support functions that benefit all segments. The results of the
Corporate and other segment also include income and expense that is not directly
associated with the other segments, such as foreign exchange gains and losses.
                     Three Months Ended
                        31 December
                      2019          2018      $ Change     % Change
Sales                   $34.4      $15.6        $18.8       121  %
Operating loss          (48.8 )    (46.5 )       (2.3 )      (5 )%
Adjusted EBITDA         (43.8 )    (42.4 )       (1.4 )      (3 )%

Sales of $34.4 increased 121%, or $18.8, primarily due to higher LNG activity.
Operating loss of $48.8 increased 5%, or $2.3, primarily due to higher corporate
costs, including business development costs to support our growth strategy,
partially offset by the higher LNG activity.



Table of Contents

(Millions of dollars unless otherwise indicated, except for per share data)
The Company presents certain financial measures, other than in accordance with
U.S. generally accepted accounting principles ("GAAP"), on an "adjusted" or
"non-GAAP" basis. On a consolidated basis, these measures include adjusted
diluted earnings per share ("EPS"), adjusted EBITDA, adjusted EBITDA margin, and
adjusted effective tax rate. On a segment basis, these measures include adjusted
EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margin. In addition to these measures, which are
presented above, we also include certain supplemental non-GAAP financial
measures that are presented below to help the reader understand the impact that
our non-GAAP adjustments have on the calculation of our adjusted diluted EPS.
For each non-GAAP financial measure, we present below a reconciliation to the
most directly comparable financial measure calculated in accordance with GAAP.
The Company's non-GAAP measures are not meant to be considered in isolation or
as a substitute for the most directly comparable measure calculated in
accordance with GAAP. The Company believes these non-GAAP measures provide
investors, potential investors, securities analysts, and others with useful
information to evaluate the performance of the business because such measures,
when viewed together with financial results computed in accordance with GAAP,
provide a more complete understanding of the factors and trends affecting the
Company's historical financial performance and projected future results.
In many cases, non-GAAP measures are determined by adjusting the most directly
comparable GAAP measure to exclude certain disclosed items, or "non-GAAP
adjustments," that the Company believes are not representative of underlying
business performance. For example, the Company previously excluded certain
expenses associated with cost reduction actions, impairment charges, and gains
on disclosed transactions. The reader should be aware that the Company may
recognize similar losses or gains in the future. Readers should also consider
the limitations associated with these non-GAAP measures, including the potential
lack of comparability of these measures from one company to another.
The tax impact on our pre-tax non-GAAP adjustments reflects the expected current
and deferred income tax impact of our non-GAAP adjustments. These tax impacts
are primarily driven by the statutory tax rate of the various relevant
jurisdictions and the taxability of the adjustments in those jurisdictions.



Table of Contents

The table below provides a reconciliation to the most directly comparable GAAP
measure for each of the major components used to calculate adjusted diluted EPS,
which the Company views as a key performance metric. We believe it is important
for the reader to understand the per share impact of our non-GAAP adjustments as
management does not consider these impacts when evaluating underlying business
There were no non-GAAP adjustments to arrive at the adjusted diluted EPS in the
first quarter of fiscal year 2020.
                                                         Three Months Ended 31 December
                                                       Equity                      Net Income
                                      Operating     Affiliates'     Income Tax  Attributable to    Diluted
Q1 2020 vs. Q1 2019                    Income          Income       Provision     Air Products       EPS
2020 GAAP                                $561.0            $58.2       $120.7           $475.6       $2.14
2019 GAAP                                 455.0             52.9        132.1            347.5        1.57
Change GAAP                                                                             $128.1       $0.57
% Change GAAP                                                                               37 %        36 %
2020 GAAP                                $561.0            $58.2       $120.7           $475.6       $2.14
2020 Non-GAAP Measure ("Adjusted")       $561.0            $58.2       $120.7           $475.6       $2.14
2019 GAAP                                $455.0            $52.9       $132.1           $347.5       $1.57
Facility closure                           29.0                -          6.9             22.1        0.10
Tax reform repatriation                       -                -         15.6            (15.6 )     (0.07 )
Tax reform adjustment related to
deemed foreign dividends                      -                -        (56.2 )           56.2        0.26
2019 Non-GAAP Measure ("Adjusted")       $484.0            $52.9        $98.4           $410.2       $1.86
Change Non-GAAP Measure
("Adjusted")                                                                             $65.4       $0.28
% Change Non-GAAP Measure
("Adjusted")                                                                                16 %        15 %



Table of Contents

We define adjusted EBITDA as net income less income (loss) from discontinued
operations, net of tax (when applicable), and excluding certain non­GAAP
adjustments, which the Company does not believe to be indicative of underlying
business trends, before interest expense, other non­operating income (expense),
net, income tax provision, and depreciation and amortization expense. Adjusted
EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margin provide useful metrics for management to
assess operating performance. Margin is calculated for each period by dividing
each line item by consolidated sales for the respective period.
Below is a presentation of consolidated sales and a reconciliation of net income
on a GAAP basis to adjusted EBITDA and net income margin on a GAAP basis to
adjusted EBITDA margin:
                                                          Three Months Ended
                                                              31 December
                                                       2019                 2018
                                                    $      Margin        $      Margin
Sales                                            $2,254.7             $2,224.0

Net income and net income margin                   $488.9   21.7 %      $357.0   16.0 %
Add: Interest expense                                18.7    0.8 %        37.3    1.7 %
Less: Other non-operating income (expense), net       9.1    0.4 %        18.5    0.8 %
Add: Income tax provision                           120.7    5.4 %       132.1    5.9 %
Add: Depreciation and amortization                  289.2   12.8 %       258.0   11.6 %
Add: Facility closure                                   -      - %        29.0    1.3 %
Adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margin         $908.4   40.3 %      $794.9   35.7 %

Change GAAP
Net income $ change              $131.9
Net income % change                  37 %
Net income margin change            570  bp
Change Non-GAAP
Adjusted EBITDA $ change         $113.5
Adjusted EBITDA % change             14 %
Adjusted EBITDA margin change       460  bp



Table of Contents

Below is a reconciliation of operating income and operating margin by segment to
adjusted EBITDA and adjusted EBITDA margin by segment for the three months ended
31 December 2019 and 2018:
                           Industrial    Industrial    Industrial     Industrial
                             Gases-        Gases-        Gases-         Gases-      Corporate
                            Americas        EMEA          Asia          Global      and other     Total
Three Months Ended 31 December 2019
Operating income (loss)      $257.2        $120.5        $228.5            $3.6       ($48.8 )    $561.0   (A)
Operating margin               27.5 %        24.2 %        33.0 %
Three Months Ended 31 December 2018
Operating income (loss)      $219.2        $105.6        $201.8            $3.9       ($46.5 )    $484.0   (A)
Operating margin               22.2 %        20.1 %        32.2 %
Operating income (loss)
change                        $38.0         $14.9         $26.7           ($0.3 )      ($2.3 )
Operating income (loss) %
change                           17 %          14 %          13 %            (8 )%        (5 )%
Operating margin change         530  bp       410  bp        80  bp
Three Months Ended 31 December 2019
Operating income (loss)      $257.2        $120.5        $228.5            $3.6       ($48.8 )    $561.0   (A)
Add: Depreciation and
amortization                  131.8          48.4         101.6             2.4          5.0       289.2
Add: Equity affiliates'
income                         20.6          19.3          16.9             1.4            -        58.2
Adjusted EBITDA              $409.6        $188.2        $347.0            $7.4       ($43.8 )    $908.4
Adjusted EBITDA margin         43.8 %        37.7 %        50.1 %
Three Months Ended 31 December 2018
Operating income (loss)      $219.2        $105.6        $201.8            $3.9       ($46.5 )    $484.0   (A)
Add: Depreciation and
amortization                  125.6          46.3          79.9             2.1          4.1       258.0
Add: Equity affiliates'
income                         22.6          13.7          16.2             0.4            -        52.9
Adjusted EBITDA              $367.4        $165.6        $297.9            $6.4       ($42.4 )    $794.9
Adjusted EBITDA margin         37.1 %        31.6 %        47.5 %
Adjusted EBITDA change        $42.2         $22.6         $49.1            $1.0        ($1.4 )
Adjusted EBITDA % change         11 %          14 %          16 %            16  %        (3 )%
Adjusted EBITDA margin
change                          670  bp       610  bp       260  bp

(A) The table below reconciles operating income as reflected on our consolidated

income statements to total operating income in the table above:

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