


AI Airports International Limited

(in liquidation) 7 Bond Street

St Helier, Jersey JE2 3NP

Channel Islands

AI Airports International Limited (in liquidation): Annual General Meeting in Jersey on December 2, 2015

Jersey/Vienna, November 18, 2015 - This year's Annual General Meeting of AI Airports International Limited (in liquidation) (the Company) has been scheduled to convene on December 2, 2015 at 4:00

p.m. (GMT) at the St Paul's Centre, New Street, St. Helier, Jersey (the AGM).

The financial statements for the year ended 31 December 2014 will be made available to shareholders and certificate holders in both German and English on the Company's website www.airportsinternational.eu in the near future. All other details pertaining to the AGM (Notice, Managing Director's Letter, proxy form) will also be available on the Company's website in the near future in the Investor Relations section under 'Annual General Meeting 2015'.

The Board of Directors of AI Airports International Limited (in liquidation) intends to provide further details regarding the impending dissolution of the Company during the AGM. It is anticipated that the Company will be finally liquidated and dissolved by year end 2015. In connection with the final liquidation of the Company, the Board of Directors of AI Airports International Limited (in liquidation) anticipates making a final repayment of capital of between EUR 0.005 and EUR 0.01 per Austrian Depositary Certificate held, in addition to the capital repayments made to date totaling EUR 5.27 per certificate.


Investor Relations & Public Relations Metrum Communications

Martin Hehemann

T: +43 664 88986721

M: m.hehemann@metrum.at

AI Airports International Limited is regulated by the Jersey Financial Services Commission.

The registered office is at 7 Bond Street; St. Helier, Jersey JE2 3NP; Channel Islands Seite 1 von 1

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