Aerohive Networks, Inc. announced its partnership with Euclid to provide brick-and-mortar retailers with actionable shopper insights to drive better business decisions and enhance the customer experience. With this new integration, retailers can now harness the power of Aerohive Wi-Fi and Euclid's unique-visitor-based analytics to discover what really drives shopper traffic, engagement and customer loyalty. News facts: Although online retailers have been leveraging online shopper analytics for years to better engage with their customers, there has been an unfulfilled gap for brick-and-mortar shops looking to track in-store customer behavior.

Aerohive's partnership with Euclid now fills this need allowing savvy retailers to stay ahead of the curve by measuring in-store behavior to improve the shopper experience. Aerohive and Euclid have integrated their cloud-based technologies to arm retailers with in-store shopper analytics. Euclid's powerful real-world insights combined with Aerohive's cloud-based, controller-less, intelligent Wi-Fi architecture provide a comprehensive solution for retailers looking to optimize customer experience.

The integration with Aerohive is unique from all other Wi-Fi solutions in that there is no need for a controller, dramatically saving retailer costs and speeding deployment.