Advent Technologies Holdings, Inc. announced that - within the framework of its long-lasting collaboration with Globe Telecom, Inc. (Globe) - it is currently upgrading Globe's rooftop sites in the Philippines with 10kW SereneU fuel cell systems, enabling Globe to reach its ambitious targets for reduced CO2 emissions. By deploying Advent's SereneU fuel cells, Globe aims to reduce carbon emissions across its network, consume cleaner fuel in smaller quantities, achieve lower emissions, and maintain energy-efficient heat removal. Advent's SereneU fuel cells produce fewer emissions than traditional generator sets, and operate silently, thereby providing a system with a low footprint to surrounding areas and people.

Depending on the fuels used, the systems can become close to CO2 neutral, as well as being easier to store and transport. Advent's SereneU systems also have higher temperature and environmental conditions tolerance, ensuring uninterrupted back-up power and stronger resilience against natural calamities such as typhoons, monsoon rains, and even long dry seasons.