Acology Inc. announced the addition of Ms. Mieko Hester-Perez to its advisory board. Ms. Hester-Perez brings unique qualifications to the company. In addition to being a board member of NORML's Women's Alliance, Ms. Hester-Perez is the co-founder of the Unconventional Foundation for Autism.

She will become a spokesperson for the company on the importance of legally compliant packaging and the effectiveness of the company products. In joining the company on its Advisory Board Ms. Hester-Perez presents a unique insight to the growing phenomenon of effective treatment modalities based on cannabinoid extractions and their use in autism case studies. Ms. Hester-Perez works diligently on medical and legal frontlines to create a national focus that sheds light on new treatment options for this potentially devastating condition.

She has teamed up with the company to package a specific new strain of cannabis. Ms. Hester-Perez will advise the company as the company moves forward with plans to support and enhance more worthy causes and create innovative ways to join research and treatment solutions to the company products.