ADVA Optical Networking SE announced that Brandywine Communications is using its OSA 5422 grandmaster clock to deliver a robust and M-Code timing solution for use cases such as US Department of Defense applications. The new edge synchronization offering addresses the key requirements of military networks by providing enhanced positioning, navigation and timing (PNT) capabilities and improved resilience. Built on Oscilloquartz's versatile timing technology with integrated M-Code capabilities, the solution is ideal for the most demanding military edge applications.

It supports 1Gbit/s and 10Gbit/s interfaces, provides innovative GNSS assurance capabilities as well as backup through Oscilloquartz's assured PNT (aPNT+™) technology, and meets the most stringent timing demands in an operationally efficient and cost-effective way. M-Code is an encrypted GPS signal used exclusively by the US military in defense applications that require precise and reliable synchronization. Resistant to jamming and spoofing, M-Code is an invaluable asset for defense organizations operating in challenging conditions.

ADVA's OSA 5422 grandmaster clock is now integrated with a highly reliable M-Code receiver that meets stringent frequency and phase synchronization needs and offers the best holdover performance of any edge device on the market. Also equipped with multi-band, multi-constellation GNSS receivers for when M-Code is not available, the device offers support for legacy interfaces such as BITS and IRIG, and features eight field-upgradeable 10Gbit/s ports and 1Gbit/s interfaces. The OSA 5422 is also environmentally hardened with hot-swappable modules and power supplies for easy field upgrades.

ADVA's Oscilloquartz aPNT+™ and M-Code technology is being showcased at the Precise Time and Time Interval Systems and Applications Meeting (PTTI 2023) in Long Beach, California, from January 23 to 26. Attendees can visit the Oscilloquartz team at Brandywine Communications' booth to learn about the platform's ability to provide resilient and assured PNT services for military applications in line with the Department of Defense's latest zero-trust strategy, and how the OSA 5422 supports both time-as-a-service (TaaS) and GNSS-backup-as-a-service (GBaaS).