88 Energy Limited announced the following in relation to its oil and gas operations on the North Slope of Alaska. Highlights: Permit to Drill Approved for Winx-1 exploration well; Ice road construction progressing well: Rig mobilisation planned for early February; and Spud remains on schedule for mid-late February 2019. Western Leases - Winx-1 Exploration Well: The Permit to Drill for the Winx-1 exploration well was approved by the Alaska Oil and Gas Conservation Commission (AOGCC) on the 16 January (AK time). This is the final major permit required for commencement of drilling. Construction of the ~11 mile ice road to the Winx-1 exploration well location is proceeding as planned. Once complete, the ice pad will be constructed, and the rig will be mobilised for drilling. Rig mobilisation is expected to commence in early February. Ice Road Construction on Schedule: Winx-1 is located ~4 miles east of the Horseshoe-1/1A well that significantly extended the highly successful Nanushuk play fairway to the south. Winx-1 will target gross best estimate prospective resource of 400 million barrels of oil (144 million barrels net to 88E) across multiple stacked objectives, including the Nanushuk Formation, which is the primary target of the well.