Australian Securities &

lnvestments Commission

Change to company details

Sectlons A,B or C may be lodged lndependently wlth thls slgned cover page to notlty ASIC of:

Lodgement number 025309831

Form 484

Corporatlons Act 2001

A1 Change of address
A2 Change of name - officeholders or members

A3 Change- ultimate holding company

61 Cease company officeholder

62 Appoint company officeholder

63 Speclal purpose company

C1 Cancellation of shares
C2 lssue of shares

C3 Change to share structure

C4 Changes to the register of members

lf there ls lnsufficlent space In any sectlon of the form, you may photocopy the relevant page(s) and submlt as part of thls lodgement

Company name

Company details I3Q Holdings Limited

Refer to guide for information about

ACN/ABN Corporale key

corporate key loss osa 293

Lodgement details Who should ASlC contacilf there ls a query about thls form?


Alan Treisman

ASIC registered agent number (ilapplicable)

Telephone number

02 9369 8591

Postal address

Ground Floor, 35 Spring Street

Sydney NSW 2022 DX


Total number of pages including this covar sheet Please previde an estimate of the lime taken to complete hrs mins


This form must be signed by a current officeholder of the company.

lcertify that the information in this cover sheet and the anached sections of this form are true and complete. Name

IAian Treisman


D Director

./ Company secretary

Date signed


[D O)

0 0{0

(M M] [Y Y]

Lodgement Send completed and signed forms to:

Australian Securities and lnvestments Commission,

PO Box 4000, Gippsland Mali Centra VIC 3841.

Or lodge the form electronically by visiting the ASl C website www . asic . gov . au

For help or more lnformatlon

Telephone 03 5177 3988


Web www.asic .

ASCI Form 484 26 February 2004 Cover page

Freehills Sydney05231847

Section C completion guide

Standard share codes Share class code Fulltitle

Share class code Fulltitle

Refer to the following table for the A A

share class codes for sections C1,C2,

C3 and C4 B B ...etc EMP employee's FOU founder's

LG fife governor's

MAN Management

ORD Ordinary

RED Redeemable




cumulative preference

non-cumulative preference redeemable preference

non-redeemable preference

cumulative redeemable preference

non-cumulative redeemable preference participative preference

Sections to complete

SPE Special

lf you are using the standard share class codes you do not need to previde a full title for the shares, just the share class code

lf you are not using the standard share class code, enter a code of no more than 4 letters and then show the full title.

Use the table below to ldentify the sections of this form to complete (please indicate the sections that have been completed). Completion of thls table is optional.

C1- Cancellatlon of C2 - issue of shares C3 - Change to share C4-Change to shares structure table members register

lssue of shares

D Proprietary company


if in response to the Annual

company statement

if not in response to the Annual company statement

Not required

Not required

Not required






Not required



Not required

Cancellatlon of shares

D Proprietary company

Mio oom,...,

if in response to the Annual

company statement

X if not in response to the Annualcompany statement




Not required

Not required

Not required



Not required



Not required

Transfer of shares

D Proprietary company

PubiiOO P'">

if in response to the Annual company statement

D if not in response to the Annual company statement

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required



Not required

Changes to amounts paid

D Proprletary company

Pu"" oom"'''

if in response to the Annual

company statement

D if not in response lo the Annual company statement

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required



Not required



Not required

Changes to benef iciai ownership

D Proprietary company

'""''oomi,, response to the Annual company statement

D if not in response to the Annual company statement

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not required

Not requri ed

Not required

Not required



Not required

To notify ASlC about a division or conversion of a class of shares, you must lodge a form 211 within 28 days of the change occurring.

To notify ASIC about a conversion of shares into larger or smaller numbers, you musilodge a form 22056 within 28 days of the change occurring.

ASIC Form 484 26 February 2004 Section C Page 1 of 5

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C1 Cancellation of shares

Reason for cancellation

Please indicate the reason that shares have been cancelled (select one or more boxes)

edeemable preference shares - S.254J

D Aedeemed out of profits


Aedeemed out of proceeds of a fresh issue of shares

apital reduction - S.256A - S.256E

D Single shareholder company

Multiple shareholder company. A Form 2560 must be lodged before a capitai reduction takes piace.

hare buy-back- ss.257H(3)

D Minimum holding buy-back by listed company

Other buy-back type. A form 280 or 281 musibe lodged at least 14 days, and

X no more than 1 year belare the share buy-back can take piace

D Forfeited shares- S.258D

hares returned to a public company - ss.258E(2) & (3)

D Under section 651C, 724(2), 737 or 738

D Under section 1325A (court arder)

D Other


Give section reference

Details of cancelled shares

Llst the details of shares cancelled in the following table

Share class code Number of shares cancelled Amount paid (cash or otherwise)




Earliest date of change

Please indicate the earliest date that any of the above changes occurred.

0000 0

[D D] [M M] [Y Y]

ASIC Form 484

Freehills Sydney05231847

26 February 2004 Section C Page 2 of 5

C2 lssue of shares

List details olnew share issues in the lollowing table.

Share class code Number olshares issued Amount paid per share Amount unpaid per share

Earliest date of change

Please indicate the earliest date that any olthe above changes occurred


[D D] [M M] [Y Y]

Ilshares were issued lor other than cash, were some or ali olthe shares issued under a written contraci?

D Ves

ilyes,proprietary companies must also lodge a Form 207Z certifying that ali stamp duties have been paid.Public companies musialso lodge a Form 207Z and either a Form 208 or a copy olthe contraci.

D No

ilno,proprietary companies are not required to previde any further documents with this form. Public companies musialso lodge a Form 208.

C3 Change to share structure

Where a change to the share structure table has occurred (eg. as a result olthe issue or cancellation olshares), please show the updated details lor the share classes affected. Details olshare classes not affected by the change are not required here.

Share class code

Full title ilnot standard Total number ol shares (current alter changes)

Total amount paid on these shares

Total amount unpaid on these shares

Earllest date of change

Please indicate the earliest date that any olthe above changes occurred


[D D] [M M] [Y Y]

Lodgement details ls thls document belng lodged to update the Annual Company Statement that was sent to you?

D Ves


ASIC Form 484 26 February 2004 Section C Page 3 of s

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C4 Changes to the register of members

Use this section to notify changes to the register of members for your company (changes to the shareholdings of members):

lf there are 20 members or less in a share class, ali changes need to be notified

lf there are more than 20 members in a share class, only changes to the top twenty need be notified (s178B)

Ilshares are jointly owned, you must also provide names and addresses of ali joint owners on a separate sheet (annexure), clearly indicating the share class and with whom the shares are jointly owned

The changes apply to

Please indicate the name and address

D Familyname Given names

of the member whose shareholding

has changed

Earliest date of change

Please indicate the earliest date that any of the following changes occurred.


D Company name


Office, uni,i leve!, or PO Box number

Street number and Street name

Suburb/City State/Territory

Postcode Country (if not Australia)

Date of change


Public companies are not required lo provide these details

Date of entry of member's name In register

(New members only)



[D D] [M M) [Y Y]

ASIC Form 484 26 February 2004 Section C Page 4 of 5

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C4 Continued... Further changes to the register of members

Use this sectoi n to notify changes to the register of members for your company (changes to the shareholdings of members):

lf there are 20 members or less in a share class, ali changes need to be notified
lf there are more than 20 members in a share class, only changes to the top twenty need be notified (s178B)
lf shares are jointly owned, you musialso previde names and addresses of ali joint owners on a separate sheet (annexure), clearly indicating the share class and with whom the shares are jointly owned

The changes apply to

Please indicate the name and address

D Family name Given names

of the member whose shareholding
has changed

Earllest date of change

Please indicate the earliest date that any of the following changes occurred.


D Company name


Office, unii level, or PO Box number

Street number and Street name

Suburb/City State{Territory

Postcode Country (if not Australia)

Date of change


Public companies are not required to previde these details

Date of entry of member's name In register

(New members only)



[D D] [M M] (Y Y)

ASIC Form 484 26 February 2004 Section C Page 5 ol5

Freehills Sydney05231847

distributed by