Press Release Drillisch AG: Acquisition of Telco Services GmbH, Idstein, strengths postpaid customer segment up to 850.000; overall customer base of Drillisch AG increases to more than 2 millions

Maintal/Idstein, January 15, 2007: The mobile service provider Drillisch AG has signed a Sale & Purchase Agreement acquiring 100% of Telco Services GmbH, Idstein, on Sunday. The parties agreed not to disclose the purchase price. The transaction is subject to the approval by the German anti-trust authority (Bundeskartellamt), the mobile network operators as well as a satisfying due diligence by Drillisch AG.
Having completed that acquisition, Drillisch AG comprising then more than 2 million customers, will obtain a market share of approximately 10% in the German mobile service provider market. So, the company consequently continues to pursue its strategy of consolidating the mobile service provider market in Germany. "Telco Services GmbH strengthens our postpaid customer segment by
bringing it up to 850,000 customers. Hence Drillisch AG is well positioned in all three business segments, prepaid, postpaid and discount", stated board member Paschalis Choulidis in Maintal on
Drillisch AG is delighted to gain in Telco Services GmbH a strong partner with an outstanding network of telecommunication retail dealers and highly skilled employees for the group. The board of Drillisch AG expects various positive effects from this acquisition and will through the extended distribution channels provide further attractive services for its customers in the future. "Telco Services GmbH perfectly fits to Drillisch with respect to the customer base as well as distribution channels", stated board member Vlasious Choulidis.
Telco Services GmbH co-operates with numerous high-performing telecommunication retail dealers as well as the four mobile network operators,
T-Mobile, Vodafone, E-Plus and O2. The customer base of approximately 300,000 customers is characterised by excellent loyalty and revenues; this results in one of the highest revenues per postpaid customer in the Germany mobile market. In March 2005, the company, based in Idstein
near Frankfurt, has been chosen "Service Provider No. 1" for the third consecutive year
(nationwide survey among specialist retailer by "markt intern").
Drillisch AG is advised by BHF-BANK AG und White Case, Frankfurt.

Contact: Drillisch AG, Investor Relations

Paschalis Choulidis, Executive Board Spokesman
Stefan Otto, Investor Relations Manager
Telephone: +49 (0) 6181/ 412-124, Fax: -184
E-Mail:; Internet:
Corporate Headquarters: Wilhelm-Röntgen-Straße 1-5, D-63477 Maintal


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