Xi's comments, made during his New Year's Eve address, come just days before the self-ruled island heads to the polls to elect a new leader.

In his speech, Xi said that compatriots on both sides of the Taiwan strait must share in the glory of "national rejuvenation".

China has been ramping up military pressure to assert its sovereignty claims over Taiwan, which on January the 13th holds presidential and parliamentary elections.

Taiwan's leader has been quick to respond to Xi's comments.

President Tsai Ing-wen said that the island's relations with China must be decided by the will of the people and peace must be based on "dignity".

China has cast the election as a choice between war and peace and has refused multiple offers of talks by Tsai.

While Taiwan's government has repeatedly warned China is trying to interfere in the vote, whether by using fake news or military or trade pressure.

Beijing has taken particular exception to current Vice President Lai Ching-te, who is leading in opinion polls, saying he is a dangerous separatist.