STORY: :: South Africa's ANC will invite other parties to form

a unity government, says leader Cyril Ramaphosa

:: June 6, 2024

:: Boksburg, South Africa

:: Cyril Ramaphosa, South African President

''We have therefore agreed that we will invite political parties to form a government of national unity as the best option to move our country forward. The modalities of the government of national unity will take into account the conditions prevailing at this moment in our country's history. The purpose of the government of national unity must be first and foremost to tackle the pressing issues that South Africans want to be addressed.''

''The ANC has agreed that this moment calls for the broadest unity of the people of South Africa. This moment also calls for multi-party cooperation and multi-stake holder collaboration if we are to overcome the severe challenges that confront our country.''

The ANC lost its parliamentary majority in last week's election, meaning it cannot govern alone for the first time since the end of apartheid 30 years ago.

The former liberation movement has run South Africa since it swept to power with Nelson Mandela at the helm in the 1994 election that marked the end of apartheid.

But it was punished for its checkered record in last week's election and, while still the largest party, the ANC can no longer govern alone.