Investors in the Emerging Europe Blended Cap ETF market faced a challenging trading session on June 13, 2023, as the market performance plunged by 1.41%. The market, which encompasses 17 ETFs and is valued at 387 Mn EUR, suffered declines in many of its key ETFs. The iShares MSCI Turkey UCITS ETF (ITKY) was particularly hard hit with a daily return of -2.80%, while the iShares MSCI Poland UCITS ETF (SPOL) lost 1.29% on the same day.

Among the relatively few ETFs that registered daily gains was Expat Slovenia SBI TOP UCITS ETF (SLQX) which showed a daily return of -0.12%. POWSZECHNA KASA OSZCZEDNOSCI ORD (PKO) may have driven some of the market losses, as the company recorded a daily return of -1.22%, as well as a 2.60% decline over one week. With the Emerging Europe Blended Cap ETF market's performance stagnant, investors will continue to keep an eye out for further shifts across this market.

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