ST PETERSBURG, June 5 (Reuters) - President Vladimir Putin met with senior editors from international news agencies at Russia's flagship annual economic forum in St Petersburg on Wednesday.

Here are highlights from his answers to their questions.


"For the most part, we do not care (who wins the U.S. election)."

"To say - I am speaking quite sincerely - that we believe that after the elections something will change towards Russia in American policy, I would not say so. We don't think so. We think that nothing really serious will happen."

"For us, we do not think the end result holds much significance. We will work with any president the American people elect."


"It's hard to say, I can't make a definite conclusion as to whether something will change or not. One has to look at the priorities of the future administration."

"No one in the United States is interested in Ukraine, they are interested in the greatness of the United States, which is fighting not for Ukraine and the Ukrainian people, but for its own greatness."

"But if the future administration will change its goal-setting vector, and will see the meaning of its existence, its work in strengthening the United States from within, strengthening the economy, finances, building good relations in the world...then something may change."


"They are burning themselves from the inside, their state, their political system ... It is obvious all over the world that the prosecution of Trump, especially in court on charges that were formed on the basis of events that happened years ago, without direct proof, is simply using the judicial system in an internal political struggle."


"Supplying weapons to a conflict zone is always a bad thing. Especially if this is linked to the fact that those who supply them are not only delivering weapons, but managing them. This is a very serious and dangerous step.

"When German tanks first appeared on Ukrainian soil, it already produced such a moral ethical shock in Russia, because relations towards (Germany) in Russian society had always been very good.

"Now, when they say that some more missiles will appear that will strike targets on Russian territory, this, of course, is ultimately destroying Russo-German relations."


"They are grabbed on the streets, there are few who want to fight. That's why they recruited 30,000, well last month and the month before last around 50,000-55,000, according to our data. But this will not solve the problem. Do you know why? Because this whole mobilization just covers losses. It all goes to make up for losses."


"I can tell you with absolute certainty that our losses...are of course several times less than on the Ukrainian side."

"It is this, by the way, that the attempt to carry out total mobilization in Ukraine is linked with, because (their) battlefield losses are very high... According to our calculations, the Ukrainian army loses about 50,000 people a month."


"The Chinese economy is very reliable and is becoming more and more high-tech. It is a big mistake on the part of the United States and some European countries, who are trying to somehow slow down the Chinese economy. Because, in my view, in order to be successful, we should be integrated into these processes, not try to hinder them."

"We are conducting exercises (with China) and will do so in the future, including military exercises. We are working in the military-technical cooperation sphere." (Reporting by Reuters; Compiled by Alexander Marrow)