STORY: :: Vladimir Putin has gifted Kim Jong Un a luxury

Russian-built limo during his visit to Pyongyang

:: The two took turns driving it on Wednesday

:: June 19, 2024

:: It's Putin's first visit to North Korea

in nearly a quarter century

In a carefully staged public relations opportunity held amid tight security, the two leaders used the moment to show how close their working relationship has become during what was a pomp-filled visit to Pyongyang by Putin, his first in nearly a quarter of a century.

Their jaunt took place after the two leaders had signed a deal that included a mutual defense pledge, one of Russia's most significant moves in Asia for years that Kim said amounted to an "alliance."

The black armored Aurus is Putin's official presidential car back in Russia.

One of Putin's aides said earlier on Wednesday that the Russian leader had presented Kim with a Russian-built Aurus as a gift. Putin gave Kim a first Aurus limousine in February this year, both countries said at the time, meaning he now has at least two of the vehicles.