Yet the 16,000 livestock aboard remained in limbo at an Australian port on Friday (February 2).

It began its journey a month ago - only to abandon a passage through the Red Sea and be ordered home by the Australian government.

Biosecurity rules mean the animals, around 14,000 sheep and 2,000 cattle, can't disembark without being quarantined.

Officials are yet to decide if they should be let off or sent back to sea...

On a 33-day voyage to reach Israel by going around Africa instead.

Australia's agricultural secretary, Adam Fennessy.

"There should be no doubt that Australia's biosecurity and the health and welfare of the livestock on board are our highest priorities. After standing offshore yesterday and yesterday evening and replacing the animal's bedding, the vessel has returned to port and is birthed in Fremantle."

Despite these assurances, some politicians and animal rights activists have branded these circumstances as cruel mistreatment -

Prompting calls for Canberra to bring forward a planned ban on live sheep exports.

The situation is a consequence of strikes by Yemen's Houthi militia on shipping in the Red Sea that have disrupted global trade.

The ship, MV Bahijah, abandoned its Red Sea route due to the threat of attack. It arrived on Monday (January 29) in Perth where there is currently a heatwave.

Australia's agriculture ministry said it's still considering a request from the exporter, Israeli firm Bassem Dabbah, to unload some animals and re-export the rest.

Industry figures, dismissing claims the animals are suffering, asked why the government has taken so long to decide the ship's fate.

Reuters was unable to contact Bassem Dabbah - and the ship's manager did not respond to requests for comment.