The following discussion and analysis of our results of operations and financial
condition should be read together with our unaudited condensed consolidated
financial statements and the notes thereto, which are included elsewhere in this
report and our Annual Report on Form 10-K for the fiscal year ended July 31,
2019 (the "Annual Report") filed with SEC. Our financial statements have been
prepared in accordance with U.S. GAAP. In addition, our financial statements and
the financial information included in this report reflect our organizational
transactions and have been prepared as if our current corporate structure had
been in place throughout the relevant periods.


We are engaged in a variety of energy-related businesses through our
subsidiaries and controlled entities in China. One of the businesses is in the
field of compressed air energy storage in China and produces electricity
generation systems that combine its compressed air storage technology with
photovoltaic ("PV") panels to achieve a continuous supply of power under weather
conditions that are unfavorable to the generation of electricity from PV panels
alone. The sales and installation of power generation systems and PV systems and
the sales of PV panels, air compression equipment and heat pump products have
been carried out through the Company's variable interest entities ("VIEs"),
formerly Sanhe Luck Sky Electrical Engineering Co., Ltd. ("Sanhe Xiangtian") and
currently Xianning Xiangtian Energy Holding Group Co. Ltd. ("Xianning
Xiangtian"), formerly known as Xianning Sanhe Power Equipment Manufacturing


In March 2018, Xianning Xiangtian formed Xiangtian Zhongdian (Hubei) New Energy
Co. Ltd. ("Xiangtian Zhongdian"), a joint venture in China, in which Xianning
Xiangtian holds a 70% ownership interest with the remaining 30% ownership held
by Nanjing Zhongdian Photovoltaic Co. Ltd. Xiangtian Zhongdian is in the
business of manufacturing and sales of PV panels. In April 2018, Xianning
Xiangtian formed a wholly owned subsidiary, Jingshan Sanhe Xiangtian New Energy
Technology Co. Ltd. ("Jingshan Sanhe"), which is engaged in the business of
researching, manufacturing and sales of high-grade synthetic fuel products. In
June 2018, Xianning Xiangtian acquired Hubei Jinli Hydraulic Co., Ltd. ("Hubei
Jinli"), which is engaged in the business of manufacturing and sales of
hydraulic parts and electronic components, and acquired Tianjin Jiabaili
Petroleum Products Co. Ltd. ("Tianjin Jiabaili"), which is engaged in the
business of manufacturing and sales of petroleum products (Note 3 - Business
combinations). In August 2018, Xianning Xiangtian formed a wholly owned
subsidiary, Xianning Xiangtian Trade Co. Ltd. ("Xiangtian Trade"), which engaged
in trading general merchandise.

In December 2018, Xianning Xiangtian acquired Hubei Rongentang Wine Co., Ltd.
("Wine Co."), which is engaged in the business of manufacturing and sales of
wine, and acquired Hubei Rongentang Herbal Wine Co., Ltd. ("Herbal Wine Co."),
which is engaged in the business of manufacturing and sales of herbal wine

The table below illustrates the businesses we conduct through our subsidiaries and consolidated affiliated entities:

        Subsidiary                Principal Business               Location
      Sanhe Xiangtian          Sales of PV panels, air          Hebei Province
                              compression equipment and
                               heat pump products  and
                               sale and installation of
                               power generation systems
                                    and PV systems
    Xiangtian Zhongdian        Manufacture and sales of         Hubei Province
                                      PV panels
      Jingshan Sanhe          Manufacturing and sales of        Hubei Province
                               Synthetic fuel products
        Hubei Jinli            Manufacture and sales of         Hubei Province
                                 hydraulic parts and
                                electronic components
     Tianjin Jiabaili         Synthetic fuel production            Tianjin
    Xianning Xiangtian        Manufacturing and sales of        Hubei Province
                              air compression equipment
                                and heat pump products
      Xiangtian Trade           Sale of synthetic fuel          Hubei Province
      Rongentang Wine              Wine production              Hubei Province
  Rongentang Herbal Wine        Herbal Wine production          Hubei Province


In September and October 2018, January 2019 and March 2019, Mr. Jian Zhou, our
Chairman and principal shareholder as well as a shareholder of Xianning
Xiangtian, and Zhou Deng Rong, the Company's former Chief Executive Officer and
director, injected an aggregate of RMB 209,260,000 (approximately $30.8 million)
as capital contribution to Xianning Xiangtian.

On November 5, 2018, we changed our name to XT Energy Group, Inc. through a merger with and into our newly formed wholly-owned subsidiary formed for the purpose of affecting the name change.

On May 24, 2019, our Board of Directors (the "Board"), discussed a plan to
pursue the potential sale of all its ownership interest in Herbal Wine Co. and
Wine Co. in order to shift its business focus on its energy related business.
Therefore the result of operations was presented as discontinued operations as
of and for the three months ended October 31, 2019 unaudited
condensed consolidated financial statements.

On January 6, 2020, the Company entered into an equity transfer agreement with
Kairui Tong and Hao Huang (the "Buyers"), which the Company agreed to sell its
90% ownership in Wine Co. and Herbal Wine Co. to the Buyers for approximately
$9.6 million (RMB 67.5 million), of which, 54% ownership are sold to Kairui
Tong, the legal representative and general manager of Wine Co. and Herbal Wine
Co, and 36% ownership are sold to Hao Huang, an unrelated third party.

On December 16, 2019, the board of directors of Xiangtian Zhongdian made a
decision to suspend its current operations temporally and will further make
determination on its future sales plan of PV Panels in Xiangtian Zhongdian. In
addition, the Company will also be leasing its production equipment while the
operations were paused.


On September 30, 2018, Xiangtian Shenzhen terminated its variable interest
entity agreements (the "VIE Agreements") as part of its restructuring to
facilitate the shift of business focus between entities controlled by the
Company. After the restructuring, the Company's headquarter is located in the
city of Xianning, Hubei Province, and Sanhe Xiangtian, the Company's previous
headquarter, located in the city of Sanhe, Hebei Province, is restructured as
our sales office. The VIE Agreements include the following:

? Framework Agreement on Business Cooperation, dated July 25, 2014, by and

    between Xiangtian Shenzhen and Sanhe Xiangtian;

? Exclusive Management, Consulting and Training and Technical Service Agreement,

dated July 25, 2014, by and between Xiangtian Shenzhen and Sanhe Xiangtian;

  ? Exclusive Option Agreement, dated July 25, 2014, by and among Xiangtian

Shenzhen, Sanhe Xiangtian and all the shareholders of Sanhe Xiangtian ("Shanhe

    Xiangtian Shareholders");

? Equity Pledge Agreement, dated July 25, 2014, by and among Xiangtian Shenzhen,

    Sanhe Xiangtian and the Shanhe Xiangtian Shareholders;

? Know-How Sub-License Agreement, dated July 25, 2014, by and between Xiangtian

Shenzhen and Sanhe Xiangtian; and

? Powers of Attorney of the Sanhe Xiangtian Shareholders dated July 25, 2014.

In connection with the termination of the VIE Agreements, on September 30, 2018,
Sanhe Xiangtian transferred its 100% equity interest of Xianning Xiangtian to
the Sanhe Xiangtian Shareholders and the Sanhe Xiangtian Shareholders
transferred their 100% equity interest of Sanhe Xiangtian to Xianning Xiangtian.
As a result of the foregoing equity transfers, Sanhe Xiangtian became a wholly
owned subsidiary of Xianning Xiangtian.


On the same day, the Company, through Xiangtian Shenzhen and Xiangtian HK, entered into a new series of variable interest entity agreements ("New VIE Agreements"), pursuant to which Xianning Xiangtian became the Company's new contractually controlled affiliate. The New VIE Agreements allow us to:

  ? exercise effective control over Xianning Xiangtian;

? receive substantially all of the economic benefits of Xianning Xiangtian; and

? have an exclusive option to purchase all or part of the equity interests in

Xianning Xiangtian when and to the extent permitted by the laws of the PRC.

The New VIE Agreements include the following:

  ? Framework Agreement on Business Cooperation, entered between Xiangtian
    Shenzhen and Xianning Xiangtian.

? Agreement of Exclusive Management, Consulting and Training and Technical

    Service, entered between Xiangtian Shenzhen and Xianning Xiangtian,.

? Exclusive Option Agreement, entered among Xiangtian HK, Xiangtian Shenzhen,

Fei Wang, Zhou Jian and Xianning Xiangtian,

? Equity Pledge Agreement, entered among Xiangtian Shenzhen, Fei Wang, Zhou

    Jian, and Xianning Xiangtian,.

? Know-How Sub-License Agreement, entered between Xiangtian Shenzhen and

           Xianning Xiangtian, pursuant to which Xiangtian Shenzhen; and

  ? Powers of Attorney of the Xianning Xiangtian stockholders.

? Spousal Consent Letters of each of the spouses of the Xianning Xiangtian


As a result of the New VIE Agreements, we have become the primary beneficiary of
Xianning Xiangtian, and it treats Xianning Xiangtian as its variable interest
entity under U.S. GAAP. We will continue to consolidate the financial results of
Xianning Xiangtian in our unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
in accordance with U.S. GAAP. The above reorganization has no effect on the
Company's unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for the current
period and thereafter.

Key Factors that Affect Operating Results

Our ability to build our brand and expand our sales distribution channel

We market our products through third-party distributors in China and through
employees for direct sales. The distributors sell our products and receive
commissions based on the value of the contracts. We utilize three classes of
distributors based on the size of their territory - province, city and town. The
distributors target factories and power plants, as well as local governments
which may encourage local industry to utilize alternative energy sources, for
our power generation products. The distributors also target wine retailers,
supermarkets for our wine products and target gas stations and automobile repair
shops for our synthetic fuel products. Our revenue growth will be affected by
our ability to effectively execute our marketing strategies to build our brand
and to expand our sales distribution channel through other sources other than
through our distributors.

PRC economy

Although the PRC economy has grown in recent years, the pace of growth has
slowed, and growth rates may continue to decline. According to the PRC National
Bureau of Statistics of China, the annual rate of growth in the PRC declined
from 7.6% in 2014, to 7.0% in 2015, 6.8% in 2016, 6.9% in 2017, 6.8% in 2018 and
6.3% in 2019. A further slowdown in overall economic growth, an economic
downturn, a recession or other adverse economic development in the PRC may
materially reduce the purchasing power of Chinese consumers and thus lead to a
decrease in the demand for our products. Such a decrease in demand may have a
materially adverse effect on our business.


Our financial results for quarters ended January 31 and April 30 in each year
might fluctuate, depending upon the date of the Chinese New Year in the period
of which it will fall into as the Chinese New Year normally would fall in
between January and February. Immediately before the Chinese New Year, our
operating results and revenues tend to be higher as our customers might push us
to deliver our products before the Chinese New Year holiday and our operating
results and revenues tend to be lower during the month after the Chinese New

In addition, our operating results and revenues in our heat pump product line
tend to be higher during the fall and winter seasons and lower during the spring
and summer seasons.


PRC governmental regulations

We are subject to a variety of governmental regulations related to the storage,
use and disposal of hazardous materials. The major environmental regulations
applicable to us include the Environmental Protection Law of the PRC, the Law of
the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Water Pollution and its implementation
rules, the Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Air Pollution and its
implementation rules, the Law of PRC on the Prevention and Control of Solid
Waste Pollution and the Law of the PRC on the Prevention and Control of Noise
Pollution and the PRC Law on Appraising Environment Impacts. In addition, under
the Environmental Protection Law of the PRC, the Ministry of Environmental
Protection sets national pollutant emission standards. However, provincial
governments may set stricter local standards, which are required to be
registered at the State Administration for Environmental Protection. Enterprises
are required to comply with the stricter of the two standards. Unfavorable
changes could affect the delivery timing of our services and products that we
provide and could materially and adversely affect the results of operations.

In addition, we are subject to a variety of licenses and permits, laws and regulations in the People's Republic of China related to our operations.

? Safety Production License, according to Regulation on Work Safety Permits

(2014), the state applies a work safety licensing system to enterprises engaged

in mining, construction, and the production of dangerous chemicals, fireworks

and crackers, and civil explosives.

? Hazardous Chemicals Business License, according to Measures for the

Administration of Dangerous Chemicals Business License (2012), the state

implements a licensing system for the operation of hazardous chemicals.

Enterprises which operate dangerous chemical shall obtain a hazardous chemicals

business license. It is prohibited to operate hazardous chemicals without

obtaining such business license.

? Industrial Product Production License, according to Regulation of the People's

Republic of China on the Production License of Industrial Products (2005), the

State implements a production license system for enterprises that produce the

industrial products that affect production safety and public safety such as

hazardous chemicals. It is prohibited to produce such products listed without

   obtaining such license.

? Good Manufacturing Practice ("GMP") Certificate. A pharmaceutical manufacturer

must meet the Good Manufacturing Practice standards for each of its production

facilities in China in respect of each form of pharmaceutical product it

produces. GMP standards include staff qualifications, production premises and

facilities, equipment, raw materials, environmental hygiene, production

management, quality control and customer complaint administration. If a

manufacturer meets the GMP standards, the CFDA will issue to the manufacturer a

GMP certificate with a five-year validity period.

? Secrecy Qualification, according to Circular 8 issued by the National Defense

Science and Technology Bureau of PRC, entities engaged in the research and

production of classified weapons and equipment are required to implement a

confidentiality qualification examination and certification system and obtain

the corresponding Secrecy Qualification.

? Pursuant to the Product Quality Law of China promulgated by the National

People's Congress Standing Committee in 1993 and amended in 2018, a seller must

establish and practice a check-for-acceptance system for replenishment of such

seller's inventory, and examine the quality certificates and other marks and

must also adopt measures to keep the products for sale in good quality.

Pursuant to the Product Quality Law of China, where a defective product causes

physical injury to a person or damage to such person's property, the victim may

claim for damages against the manufacturer or the seller of the product. If the

seller pays the damages and it is the manufacturer that should bear the

liability, the seller has a right of recourse against the manufacturer.

Similarly, if the manufacturer pays damages and it is the seller that should

bear the liability, the manufacturer has a right of recourse against the

seller. Violations of the Product Quality Law of China could result in various

penalties, including the imposition of fines, suspension of business

operations, revocation of business licenses and criminal liabilities.


? Pursuant to the Tort Liability Law of China, which was promulgated by the

National People's Congress Standing Committee on December 30, 2009 and became

effective on July 1, 2010, producers are liable for damages caused by defects

in their products and sellers are liable for damages attributable to their

fault. If the defects are caused by the fault of third parties such as the

transporter or storekeeper, producers and sellers have the right to claim for

compensation from these third parties after paying the damages. The producers

and sellers are obligated to take remedial measures such as issuing warnings or

recalling the products in a timely manner if defects are found in products that

are in circulation. If a party knowingly manufactured and sold defective

products that cause death or severe personal injuries, the injured person has

   the right to claim punitive damages.

Results of Operations

The following discussion should be read in conjunction with the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statement of the Company for the three months ended October 31, 2019 and 2018 and related notes thereto.

The Three Months Ended October 31, 2019 Compared to the Three Months Ended
October 31, 2018

                                            For the Three       For the Three
                                            Months Ended        Months Ended
                                             October 31,         October 31,

                                                2019                2018              Change          Change (%)

Revenue                                    $     3,166,836     $    19,988,438     $ (16,821,602 )          (84.2 )%
Cost of revenue                                  3,773,780          15,792,923       (12,019,143 )          (76.1 )%
Gross (loss) profit                               (606,944 )         4,195,515        (4,802,459 )         (114.5 )%
Operating expenses                               3,315,955           1,653,884         1,662,071            100.5 %
(Loss) income from operations                   (3,922,899 )         2,541,631        (6,464,530 )         (254.3 )%
Other income (expenses), net                        15,619            (437,278 )         452,897            103.6 %
(Loss) income before income taxes               (3,907,280 )         2,104,353        (6,011,633 )         (285.7 )%
Income tax expense                                 (46,196 )          (526,144 )         479,948             91.2 %
(Loss) income from continuing operations        (3,953,476 )         1,578,209        (5,531,685 )         (350.5 )%
Net loss from discontinued operations,
net of applicable income taxes                    (174,762 )                 -          (174,762 )         (100.0 )%
Net (loss) income                               (4,128,238 )         1,578,209        (5,706,447 )         (361.6 )%
Less: Net income (loss) attributable to
non-controlling interest from continuing
operations                                        (243,029 )           202,442          (445,471 )         (220.0 )%
Less: Net loss attributable to
non-controlling interests from
discontinued operations                            (17,476 )                 -            17,476            100.0 %
Net (loss) income attributable to common
stockholders                               $    (3,867,733 )   $     1,375,767     $  (5,243,500 )         (381.1 )%
Net (loss) income per share attributable
to common stockholders
Basic and diluted earnings per share -
Continuing operations                      $         (0.01 )   $          0.00     $       (0.01 )         (100.0 )%
Basic and diluted earnings per share -
Discontinued operations                    $         (0.00 )   $          0.00     $       (0.00 )              - %


Continuing Operations


Our revenue was derived from the sales of PV panels and others, heat pump products, high-grade synthetic fuel products, hydraulic parts and electronic components for the three months ended October 31, 2019.

Total revenues decreased by $16,821,602 or 84.2%, to $3,166,836 for the three
months ended October 31, 2019 as compared to $19,988,438 for the same period in
2018. The overall decrease was primarily attributable to the decrease of revenue
generated from sales of PV panels and other products, air compression equipment
and other components, heat pumps, and high-grade synthetic fuel products. See
the table below for a detailed analysis of the decrease in our revenue.

Our revenue from our revenue categories is summarized as follows:

                                                       For the              For the
                                                     Three Months        Three Months
                                                        Ended                Ended
                                                     October 31,          October 31,
                                                         2019                2018              Change          Change (%)


Installation of power generation systems           $              -     $       389,332     $    (389,332 )         (100.0 )%
PV panels and others                                      1,704,797           9,101,844        (7,397,047 )          (81.3 )%
Air compression equipment and other components                    -           1,001,211        (1,001,211 )         (100.0 )%
Heat pumps                                                   57,986           4,243,564        (4,185,578 )          (98.6 )%
High-grade synthetic fuel                                    39,976           4,096,752        (4,056,776 )          (99.0 )%
Hydraulic parts and electronic components                 1,364,077        

  1,155,735           208,342             18.0 %
Total revenue                                      $      3,166,836     $    19,988,438     $ (16,821,602 )          (84.2 )%

Installation of power generation systems revenue decreased by $389,332 or 100.0%
from $389,332 for the three months ended October 31, 2018 to $0 for the same
period in 2019 because we did not have any new installation projects performed
during the three months ended October 31, 2019 as we have not been focusing on
our power generation systems business. We are no longer focusing on the
installation of power generation systems but to sell the PV panels separately.
As a result, we do not except our installation of power generation systems will
be generating any significant revenues.

Sales of PV panels and others decreased by $7,397,047 or 81.3% from $9,101,844
for the three months ended October 31, 2018 to $1,704,797 for the same period in
2019. The decrease in sales of PV panels and others was primarily due to
significant decrease in sales from Xiangtian Zhongdian. We are currently
operating under certain disagreements with our non-controlling shareholder in
Xiangtian Zhongdian, which lead to Xiangtian Zhongdian to put the PV panels
sales orders on hold. As a result, our sales of PV panels decreased during the
three months ended October 31, 2019 as compared to the same period in 2018.
Currently, our disagreements with the non-controlling shareholder in Xiangtian
Zhongdian still has not been resolved. Management is seeking alternative plan by
moving this business from Xiangtain Zhongdian to Xianning Xiangtian, our
headquarters, which we can generated 100% profit from the sales of PV panels
business over 70% of profit in Xiangtian Zhongdian as we will be sharing 30%
profit to the non-controlling shareholder in Xiangtian Zhongdian if our PV
panels business remained in Xingtian Zhongdian. However, our sales from PV
panels is expected to decrease as compared to the prior period due to the
non-controlling shareholder in Xiangtian Zhongdian having retained the marketing
team in Xiangtian Zhongdian. We will start developing our own PV panels market
with our internal sources and retaining our own marketing sources before setting
up the joint venture Xiangtian Zhongdian.

Sales of air compression equipment and other components decrease by $1,001,211
or 100.0% and the sales of heat pumps decreased by $4,185,578 or 98.6% for the
three months ended October 31, 2019 as compared to the same period in 2018. The
decrease was attributable to significant decrease in sales orders as we lost
some large air compression equipment and heat pump customers during the three
months ended October 31, 2019 as compared to the same period in 2018 which
resulted in lesser sales orders in the current period. Our sales from air
compression equipment and heat pumps are expected to be decreased as compared to
the prior period going forward as we recently did not put a lot of research and
development activities to keep up with the latest technology of the air
compression and heat pumps products. As a result, our competitors will, in all
likelihood gain a greater market share in this industry which will lead to

decrease in future sales.


Sales of high-grade synthetic fuel decreased by $4,056,776 or 99.0% for the
three months ended October 31, 2019 as compared to the same period in 2018
mainly due to significant decrease in sales from Jingshan Sanhe. Jingshan Sanhe
has expanded its production facilities for the anticipation of the sales orders
that we have received of our high-grade synthetic fuel products. During the
three months ended October 31, 2019, we were pending final completion and
inspection approval of our production facilities expansion in January 2020,
which prevented Jingshan Sanhe's ability to manufacture our high-grade synthetic
fuel products during the period. As a result, we took longer time to complete
and test our production facilities in order for us to produce a high quality of
our products. Our sales of high-grade synthetic fuel is expected to resume back
to the normal level upon resuming our production which we anticipate will be in
February 2020.

Sales of hydraulic parts and electronic components increased by $208,342 or
18.0% for the three months ended October 31, 2019 as compared to the same period
in 2018 due to few large specialty governmental contracts with higher selling
price. We are expecting our hydraulic parts and electronic components business
will continue to grow gradually as we believe demand of our products from the
Chinese military stable.

Cost of Revenue

Total cost of revenue decreased by $12,019,143, or 76.1%, to $3,773,780 for the
three months ended October 31, 2019 as compared to $15,792,923 for the same
period in 2018. The decrease in cost of revenue is in line with the decrease in

Our cost of revenue from our revenue categories is summarized as follows:

                                                       For the              For the
                                                     Three Months        Three Months
                                                        Ended                Ended
                                                     October 31,          October 31,
                                                         2019                2018              Change          Change (%)

Cost of revenue

Installation of power generation systems           $              -     $       357,570     $    (357,570 )         (100.0 )%
PV panels and others                                      2,150,158           8,193,596        (6,043,438 )          (73.8 )%
Air compression equipment and other components                    -             719,026          (719,026 )         (100.0 )%
Heat pumps                                                1,008,232           3,387,445        (2,379,213 )          (70.2 )%
High-grade synthetic fuel                                    35,470           2,518,046        (2,482,576 )          (98.6 )%
Hydraulic parts and electronic components                   579,920             617,240           (37,320 )           (6.0 )%
Total cost of revenue                              $      3,773,780     $  

 15,792,923     $ (12,019,143 )          (76.1 )%

Gross Profit

Our gross profit from our major revenue categories is summarized as follows:

                                                                              For the
                                                        For the             Three Months
                                                     Three Months              Ended
                                                   Ended October 31,        October 31,
                                                         2019                   2018              Change          Change (%)

Installation of power generation systems
Gross profit margin                                $               -      $         31,762     $    (31,762 )          (100.0 )%
Gross profit percentage                                            - %                 8.2 %           (8.2 )%

PV panels and others
Gross profit margin                                $        (445,361 )    $

908,248 $ (1,353,609 ) (149.0 )% Gross profit percentage

                                        (26.1 )%     

10.0 % (36.1 )%

Air compression equipment and other components
Gross profit margin                                $               -      $

282,185 $ (282,185 ) (100.0 )% Gross profit percentage

                                            - %      

28.2 % (28.2 )%

Heat pumps
Gross (loss) profit margin                         $        (950,246 )    $

856,119 $ (1,806,365 ) (211.0 )% Gross profit percentage

                                      (1638.8 )%     

20.2 % (1659.0 )%

High-grade synthetic fuel
Gross profit margin                                $           4,506      $      1,578,706     $ (1,574,200 )           (99.7 )%
Gross profit percentage                                         11.3 %     

38.5 % (27.2 )%

Hydraulic parts and electronic components
Gross profit margin                                $         784,157      $        538,495     $    245,662              45.6 %
Gross profit percentage                                         57.5 %                46.6 %           10.9 %


Gross (loss) profit margin                         $        (606,944 )    $      4,195,515     $ (4,802,459 )          (114.5 )%
Gross profit percentage                                        (19.2 )%               21.0 %          (40.2 )%


Our gross profit decreased by $4,802,459, or 114.5%, to a gross loss of $606,944
during the three months ended October 31, 2019 from gross profit of $4,195,515
for the same period in 2018. The decrease in gross profit was primarily due to
the significant decrease in revenues from sales of PV panels and other products,
heat pumps, and high-grade synthetic fuel products.

For the three months ended October 31, 2019 and 2018, our overall gross (loss)
profit percentage was (19.2 %) and 21.0%, respectively. The decrease of 40.2%
was primarily due to the increase in cost of revenue as we provided allowance
for aging inventories.

Gross profit percentage for our installation of power generation systems revenue was 8.2% for the three months ended October 31, 2018. We did not have any installation project performed during the three months ended October 31, 2019.

Gross profit percentage for PV panels and others revenue was (26.1 %) and 10.0%
for the three months ended October 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The decrease
of gross profit percentage was due to the increase in cost of revenue as we
provided allowance for aging inventories due to slow moving of our inventories
and lack of sales as discussed above.

Gross profit percentage for air compression equipment and other components
revenue was 28.2% for the three months ended October 31, 2018. We did not sell
any air compression equipment and other components during the three months

October 31, 2019.

Gross profit percentage for heat pumps revenue was (1,638.8%) and 20.2% for the three months ended October 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The significant decrease is mainly due to the increase in cost of revenue as we provided allowance for aging inventories.

Gross profit percentage for high-grade synthetic fuel revenue was 11.3% and
38.5% for the three months ended October 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. The
decrease in gross profit percentage was primarily due to higher cost in
manufacturing our newly developed engine cleaner, Xiangtian No. 5, during the
testing phase although the unit selling price for our Xiangtian No. 5 for the
three months ended October 31, 2019 are higher than our Green Energy No. 1 that
were sold during the same period in 2018.

Gross profit percentage for hydraulic parts and electronic components revenue
was 57.5% and 46.6% for the three months ended October 31, 2019 and 2018,
respectively. The increase in gross profit percentage was due to our few large
specialty governmental contracts with higher selling price, which increased

gross profit percentage.


Operating Expenses

Total operating expenses increased by $1,662,071 or 100.5% from $1,653,884
during the three months ended October 31, 2018 to $3,315,955 during the same
period in 2019. The increase in operating expenses was mainly attributable to
(i) the increase in selling expenses of $110,230, (ii) the increase in general
and administrative expenses of $172,747, and (iii) the increase in provision for
doubtful accounts of $1,285,018 as we have more aged receivables.

The increase in selling expenses of approximately $110,000 was mainly
attributable to the increase in marketing expenses of approximately $202,000 to
our sales representatives as we have been trying to expand our sales channels to
promote our products.

The increase in general and administrative expenses of approximately $173,000
was mainly attributable to (i) the increase in salaries, social insurance
expenses, and benefits expenses of approximately $249,000 mainly due to the
allocation of the production line personnel salary and their related social
insurance and benefit into general and administrative expense as we have limited
or no production in Xiangtian Zhongdian and Jingshan Sanhe, and (ii) the
increase in rent and property management expenses of approximately $245,000 as
we leased more factories, equipment, and office space to expand our business.
This increase was offset by approximately $226,000 decrease in professional fees
including legal fees, audit fees and consulting fees, as we incurred significant
professional fees in relation to the acquisition of Hubei Jinli during the three
months ended October 31, 2018 and we did not incur such professional fees in the
same period in 2019. The increase was also offset by approximately $95,000
decrease in other general and administrative expenses including travel, meals
and entertainment and other service expenses as we had limited operations in
Xingtian Zhongdian due to our disagreements with the non-controlling shareholder
in Xiangtian Zhongdian. The decrease in other general and administrative
expenses was also due to the limited operations in Jingshan Sanhe as we were
pending final completion and inspection approval of our production facilities
expansion, which occurred in January 2020, while we were only performing testing
activities during the three months ended October 31, 2018.

The increase of R&D expenses of approximately $94,000 was mainly due to our research and development costs incurred on improving our hydraulic parts and electronic components products as well as researching and developing new high-grade synthetic fuel products.

Other (Expenses) Income, Net

Total other income increased by $452,897 or 103.6% from total other expenses of
$437,278 during the three months ended October 31, 2018 to total other income of
$15,619 during the same period in 2019. The increase in total other income was
mainly attributable to the decrease in interest expense as we paid off the third
party loans that we obtained in 2018.

Income Tax Expense

Our current income tax expense was $46,196 and $526,144 for the three months
ended October 31, 2019 and 2018, respectively. Our income tax expense was
incurred by our profitable VIEs and controlled entities in both periods and we
have provided 100% allowance on net operating losses for our VIEs and controlled
entities which incurred losses.

(Loss) Income from Continuing Operations

Our net loss from continuing operations increased by $5,531,685, or 350.5%, to
net loss of $3,953,476 for the three months ended October 31, 2019, from a net
income of $1,578,209 for the same period in 2018. Such change was the result of
the combination of the changes discussed above.

Discontinued Operations

Net Loss from Discontinued Operations

Our net loss from discontinued operations increased by $174,762, or 100.0%, to
net loss of $174,762 for the three months ended October 31, 2019, from a net
loss of $0 for the three months ended October 31, 2018. The increase in loss
from discontinued operations was predominantly due to the expenses generated by
Herbal Wine Co. and Wine Co. which considered as discontinued operations since
the board discussed a plan to pursue the potential sale of all its ownership
interest in Herbal Wine Co. and Wine Co. in order to shift its business focus on
its energy related business. See Note 4 - Discontinued operations. Herbal Wine
Co. and Wine Co. were acquired during the second quarter of 2019. On January 6,
2020, we entered into an equity transfer agreement with Kairui Tong and Hao
Huang (the "Buyers"), which we agreed to sell its 90% ownership in Wine Co. and
Herbal Wine Co. to the Buyers for approximately $9.6 million (RMB 67.5 million),
of which, 54% ownership are sold to Kairui Tong, the legal representative and
general manager of Wine Co. and Herbal Wine Co, and 36% ownership are sold to
Hao Huang, an unrelated third party. As of the date of this report, we received
approximately $5.7 million (RMB 40.0 million) of the transaction.


Net (Loss) Income

Our net loss increased by $5,706,447, or 361.6%, to net loss of $4,128,238 for
the three months ended October 31, 2019 from a net income of $1,578,209 for the
three months ended October 31, 2018. Such change was the result of the
combination of the changes discussed above.

Liquidity and Capital Resources

Capital Resources

In assessing our liquidity, we monitor and analyze our cash on-hand and our
operating and capital expenditure commitments. Our liquidity needs are to meet
our working capital requirements, operating expenses and capital expenditure
obligations. Debt financing from related parties has been utilized to finance
the working capital requirements of the Company and acquisitions of businesses.
As of October 31, 2019, the Company's working deficit was approximately $8.3
million and the Company had cash of approximately $3.2 million. Excluding other
payable to related parties and director of approximately $6.9 million, the
Company's working deficit was approximately $1.4 million. Although we believe
that we can realize our current assets in the normal course of business, our
ability to repay our current obligations will depend on the future realization
of our current assets and the future operating revenues generated from our

Our management has considered whether there is a going concern issue due to our
recurring losses from operations. Management has determined there is substantial
doubt about our ability to continue as a going concern. If we are unable to
generate significant revenue, we may be required to cease or curtail our
operations. Management is trying to alleviate the going concern risk through the
following sources:

? we will continuously seek equity financing to support its working capital;

  ? other available sources of financing from PRC banks and other financial

? financial support and credit guarantee commitments from the Company's related


We also expect to raise additional capital through financing offerings with the
proceeds to be used for 1) leasing additional production facilities for
synthetic fuel and related products, 2) adding a new packaging line for our
synthetic fuel and related products in Jingshan Sanhe, and 3) general corporate

The Company is not currently seeking to raise additional capital and there is no guaranty that the Company will be able to raise any capital in the future.


The following summarizes the key components of our cash flows for the three months ended October 31, 2019 and 2018.

                                                                     For the Three Months Ended
                                                                             October 31,
                                                                        2019              2018

Net cash (used in) provided by operating activities from continuing operations


(538,655 ) $ 16,865,813 Net cash used in operating activities from discontinued operations

                                                               (243,265 )              -

Net cash used in investing activities from continuing operations (1,166,338 ) (2,421,015 ) Net cash used in investing activities from discontinued operations

                                                                 (3,549 )              -

Net cash provided by (used in) financing activities from continuing operations

550,374 (2,328,060 ) Net cash used in financing activities from discontinued operations

                                                                (11,502 )              -
Effect of exchange rate change on cash and restricted cash               (126,588 )       (480,518 )
Net change in cash and restricted cash                             $   (1,539,523 )   $ 11,636,220

As of October 31, 2019 and July 31, 2019, we had a cash and restricted cash balance of $3,308,260 and $3,536,481, respectively, from continuing operations.

Operating Activities

Net cash used in operating activities from continuing operations was
approximately $0.5 million for the three months ended October 31, 2019, which
was mainly due to net loss from continuing operations of approximately $4.1
million, the increase in inventories of approximately $0.7 million, and the
decrease in other payables and taxes payable of approximately $0.4 million. The
net cash used in operating activities was partially offset by non-cash effects
of depreciation and amortization expense of approximately $0.4 million,
amortization of right-of-use assets of approximately $0.2 million, bad debt
allowance of approximately $1.1 million, impairment of inventories of
approximately $1.4 million, the decrease in advances to suppliers of
approximately $0.8 million, the decrease in other receivables as we collected
approximately $0.3 million, and the increase in accounts payable of
approximately $0.4 million.

Net cash provided by operating activities for the three months ended October 31,
2018 was mainly due to net income of approximately $1.6 million, the decrease in
notes receivable as we collected bank notes of approximately $0.8 million, the
decrease in accounts receivable as we collected approximately $2.4 million, and
the increase of advance from customers of approximately $17.3 million as we have
received significant sales orders for our high-grade synthetic fuel products
which require customer deposits. The net cash provided by operating activities
was offset by the increase in advance to suppliers of approximately $3.7 million
as we prepaid for more purchase in the anticipation of sales productions and the
decrease in accounts payable as we paid off approximately $1.7 million to our
vendors as the payments became due.

Investing Activities

Net cash used in investing activities from continuing operations was
approximately $1.2 million for the three months ended October 31, 2019, which
was mainly comprised of the partial investment payments of approximately $0.1
million that we made in relation to the acquisition of Hubei Jinli and the
purchase of property and equipment of approximately $1.0 million for our
business expansion.

Net cash used in investing activities for the three months ended October 31,
2018 was mainly due to the partial investment payments of approximately $3.7
million that we made in relation to the acquisition of Hubei Jinli and Tianjin
Jiabaili, the purchase of property and equipment of approximately $0.5 million
for our business expansion offset by the collection of loan receivable of
approximately $1.8 million.

Financing Activities

Net cash provided by financing activities from continuing operations was approximately $0.6 million for the three months ended October 31, 2019, which was due to borrowings from related parties of approximately $0.6 million.

 Net cash used in financing activities for the three months ended October 31,
2018 was due to the payments of short-term bank loan, third party loan, and
related party loan of approximately $0.5 million, $0.2 million and 19.0 million,
respectively offset by the borrowings from related parties and directors of
approximately $0.8 million, capital contribution from shareholders of
approximately $14.5 million, and proceeds from related party loans of
approximately $2.0 million.


Commitments and Contingencies

In the normal course of business, we are subject to loss contingencies, such as
legal proceedings and claims arising out of its business, that cover a wide
range of matters, including, among others, government investigations and tax
matters. In accordance with ASC No. 450-20, "Loss Contingencies", we will record
accruals for such loss contingencies when it is probable that a liability has
been incurred and the amount of loss can be reasonably estimated.

Contractual Obligations

As of October 31, 2019, the future minimum payments under certain of our contractual obligations were as follows:

                                                                                Payments Due In
                                                            Less than         1 - 3         3 - 5
Contractual obligations                       Total          1 year           years         years        Thereafter

Operating leases liabilities               $ 2,388,708     $         -     $ 2,387,007     $    850     $        851
Long-term debt obligations*                    499,752         243,857         255,895            -                -
Due to related parties and third party       6,912,433       6,912,433     

         -            -                -
Total                                      $ 9,800,893     $ 7,156,290     $ 2,642,902     $    850     $        851

* Represent future value of acquisition payments in relation to our acquisitions

   of Hubei Jinli and Tianjin Jiabaili.

Off-Balance Sheet Arrangements

We have no off-balance sheet arrangements including arrangements that would affect our liquidity, capital resources, market risk support and credit risk support or other benefits.

Critical Accounting Policies and Estimates

The preparation of unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements in
conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States
requires our management to make assumptions, estimates and judgments that affect
the amounts reported, including the notes thereto, and related disclosures of
commitments and contingencies, if any. We have identified certain accounting
policies that are significant to the preparation of our financial statements.
These accounting policies are important for an understanding of our financial
condition and results of operation. Critical accounting policies are those that
are most important to the portrayal of our financial conditions and results of
operations and require management's difficult, subjective, or complex judgment,
often as a result of the need to make estimates about the effect of matters that
are inherently uncertain and may change in subsequent periods. Certain
accounting estimates are particularly sensitive because of their significance to
financial statements and because of the possibility that future events affecting
the estimate may differ significantly from management's current judgments. While
our significant accounting policies are more fully described in Note 2 to our
unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements included elsewhere in this
report, we believe the following critical accounting policies involve the most
significant estimates and judgments used in the preparation of our unaudited
condensed consolidated financial statements.

Use of Estimates and Assumptions

The preparation of unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements in
conformity with U.S. GAAP requires management to make estimates and assumptions
that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosures of
contingent assets and liabilities as of the date of the unaudited
condensed consolidated financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues
and expenses during the periods presented. Significant accounting estimates
reflected in the Company's unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements
include the estimated cost used to calculate the percentage of completion
recognized in the Company's revenues, the useful lives of property, plant and
equipment, impairment of long-lived assets, right-of-use assets, lease
classification and liabilities, allowance for accounts receivable doubtful
accounts, allowance for other accounts receivable doubtful accounts, allowance
for inventory obsolescence reserve, allowance for deferred tax assets, fair
value of the assets and the liabilities of the entities acquired through its
business combination, valuation of warranty reserves, and the accrual of
potential liabilities. Actual results could differ from these estimates.



Effective August 1, 2019, the Company adopted ASU 2016-02, "Leases" (Topic 842),
and elected the practical expedients that does not require us to reassess: (1)
whether any expired or existing contracts are, or contain, leases, (2) lease
classification for any expired or existing leases and (3) initial direct costs
for any expired or existing leases. For lease terms of twelve months or fewer, a
lessee is permitted to make an accounting policy election not to recognize lease
assets and liabilities. We also adopted the practical expedient that allows
lessees to treat the lease and non-lease components of a lease as a single lease
component. We recognized approximately $2.6 million right of use ("ROU") assets
and approximately $2.3 million lease liabilities based on the present value of
the future minimum rental payments of leases, using incremental borrowing rate
of 4.75% and 4.90% based on duration of lease terms. The weighted average
remaining lease term is 3.15 years.

Operating lease ROU assets and lease liabilities are recognized at the adoption
date of August 1, 2019 or the commencement date, whichever is earlier, based on
the present value of lease payments over the lease term. Since the implicit rate
for our leases is not readily determinable, we use our incremental borrowing
rate based on the information available at the commencement date in determining
the present value of lease payments. The incremental borrowing rate is the rate
of interest that we would have to pay to borrow, on a collateralized basis, an
amount equal to the lease payments, in a similar economic environment and over a
similar term.

Lease terms used to calculate the present value of lease payments generally do
not include any options to extend, renew, or terminate the lease, as we do not
have reasonable certainty at lease inception that these options will be
exercised. We generally consider the economic life of its operating lease ROU
assets to be comparable to the useful life of similar owned assets. We have
elected the short-term lease exception, therefore operating lease ROU assets and
liabilities do not include leases with a lease term of twelve months or less.
Our leases generally do not provide a residual guarantee. The operating lease
ROU asset also excludes lease incentives. Lease expense is recognized on a
straight-line basis over the lease term.

We review the impairment of its ROU assets consistent with the approach applied
for our other long-lived assets. We review the recoverability of our long-lived
assets when events or changes in circumstances occur that indicate that the
carrying value of the asset may not be recoverable. The assessment of possible
impairment is based on its ability to recover the carrying value of the asset
from the expected undiscounted future pre-tax cash flows of the related
operations. We have elected to include the carrying amount of operating lease
liabilities in any tested asset group and include the associated operating lease
payments in the undiscounted future pre-tax cash flows.

Discontinued operations

In accordance with ASU No. 2014-08, Reporting Discontinued Operations and
Disclosures of Disposals of Components of an Entity, a disposal of a component
of an entity or a group of components of an entity is required to be reported as
discontinued operations if the disposal represents a strategic shift that has
(or will have) a major effect on an entity's operations and financial results
when the components of an entity meet the criteria in paragraph 205-20-45-1E to
be classified as discontinued operations. When all of the criteria to be
classified as discontinued operations are met, including management having the
authority to approve the action and committing to a plan to sell the entity, the
major current assets, other assets, current liabilities, and noncurrent
liabilities shall be reported as components of total assets and liabilities
separate from the balances of the continuing operations. At the same time, the
results of operations discontinued operations, less applicable income taxes
(benefit), shall be reported as components of net income (loss) separate from
the net income (loss) of continuing operations in accordance with ASC 205-20-45.
See Note 4 - Discontinued operations.

Revenue Recognition

On August 1, 2018, we adopted Accounting Standards Update ("ASU") 2014-09
Revenue from Contracts with Customers (ASC Topic 606) using the modified
retrospective method for contracts that were not completed as of July 31, 2018.
This did not result in an adjustment to the retained earnings upon adoption of
this new guidance as our revenue was recognized based on the amount of
consideration expected to receive in exchange for satisfying the performance


The core principle underlying the revenue recognition ASU is that we will
recognize revenue to represent the transfer of goods and services to customers
in an amount that reflects the consideration to which we expect to be entitled
in such exchange. This will require us to identify contractual performance
obligations and determine whether revenue should be recognized at a point in
time or over time, based on when control of goods and services transfers to a
customer. Our revenue streams are recognized over time for our sale and
installation of power generation systems and are recognized at a point in time
for our sale of products.

The ASU requires the use of a new five-step model to recognize revenue from
customer contracts. The five-step model requires us to (i) identify the contract
with the customer, (ii) identify the performance obligations in the contract,
(iii) determine the transaction price, including variable consideration to the
extent that it is probable that a significant future reversal will not occur,
(iv) allocate the transaction price to the respective performance obligations in
the contract, and (v) recognize revenue when (or as) we satisfy the performance
obligation. The application of the five-step model to the revenue streams
compared to the prior guidance did not result in significant changes in the way
we record our revenue. Upon adoption, we evaluated our revenue recognition
policy for all revenue streams within the scope of the ASU under previous
standards and using the five-step model under the new guidance and confirmed
that there were no differences in the pattern of revenue recognition.

Sale and installation of power generation systems

Sales of power generation systems in conjunction with system installation are
generally recognized based on our efforts or inputs to the satisfaction of a
performance obligation using an input measure method, which essentially the same
as the percentage of completion method prior to August 1, 2018 for its
installation project. Therefore, take into account the costs, estimated earnings
and revenue to date on contracts not yet completed. Revenue recognized is that
percentage of the total contract price that costs expended to date bear to
anticipated final total costs, based on current estimates of costs to complete.
Contract costs include all direct material and labor costs and those indirect
costs related to contract performance, such as indirect labor and supplies.
Adjustments to the original estimates of the total contract revenue, total
contract costs, or the extent of progress toward completion are often required
as work progresses. Such changes and refinements in estimation are reflected in
reported results of operations as they occur; if material, the effects of
changes in estimates are disclosed in the notes to the unaudited condensed
consolidated financial statements.

The key assumptions used in the estimate of costs to complete relate to the unit
material cost, the quantity of materials to be used, the installation cost and
those indirect costs related to contract performance. The estimate of unit
material cost is reviewed and updated on a quarterly basis, based on the updated
information available in the supply markets. The estimate of material quantity
to be used for completion and the installation cost is also reviewed and updated
on a quarterly basis, based on the updated information on the progress of
project execution. If the supply market conditions or the progress of project
execution were different, it is likely that materially different amounts of
contract costs would be used in the percentage of completion method of
accounting. Thus the uncertainty associated with those estimates may impact our
unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements. Selling, general, and
administrative costs are charged to expense as incurred. At the time a loss on a
contract becomes known, the entire amount of the estimated ultimate loss is
recognized in the unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements. Claims
for additional contract costs are recognized upon a signed change order from the

The installation revenues and sales of equipment and system component are
combined and considered as one performance obligation. The promises to transfer
the equipment and system component and installation are not separately
identifiable, which is evidencing by the fact that we provide a significant
service of integrating the goods and services into a power generation system for
which the customer has contracted. We currently do not have any modification of
contract and the contract currently does not have any variable consideration.

Sales of products

We continue to derive our revenues from sales contracts with our customers with
revenues being recognized upon delivery of products. Persuasive evidence of an
arrangement is demonstrated via sales contract and invoice; and the sales price
to the customer is fixed upon acceptance of the sales contract and there is no
separate sales rebate, discount, or other incentive. Such revenues are
recognized at a point in time after all performance obligations are satisfied
and based on when control of goods transfer to a customer, which is generally
similar to when its delivery has occurred prior to August 1, 2018.


Gross versus Net Revenue Reporting

In the normal course of the Company's business, the Company orders products
directly from its suppliers and drop ships the products directly to its
customers. In these situations, the Company generally collects the sales
proceeds directly from its customers and pays for the inventory purchases to its
suppliers separately. The determination of whether revenues should be reported
on a gross or net basis is based on the Company's assessment of whether it is
the principal or an agent in the transaction. In determining whether the Company
is the principal or an agent, the Company follows the accounting guidance for
principal-agent considerations. Because the Company is not the primary obligor
and is not responsible for (i) fulfilling the resale products delivery, (ii)
establishing the selling prices for delivery of the resale products, (iii)
performing all billing and collection activities including retaining credit risk
and (iv) baring the back-end risk of inventory loss with respect to any product
return from its customer, the Company has concluded that it is the agent in
these arrangements, and therefore reports revenues and cost of revenues on

a net


We generally provide limited warranties for work performed under our contracts.
At the time a sale is recognized, we record estimated future warranty costs
under ASC 460. Such estimated costs for warranties are estimated at completion
and these warrants are not service warranties separately sold by us. Generally,
the estimated claim rates of warranty are based on actual warranty experience or
our best estimate.

Recent Accounting Pronouncements

See Note 2 of our notes to unaudited condensed consolidated financial statements for a discussion of recently issued accounting standards.

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