"Progress" on the diplomatic front in Ukraine has clearly rekindled risk appetite on financial markets this week, despite erratic and wide-ranging variations. Wall Street's weekly performance was disappointing, but in Europe, the FTSE 100 gained 2.5%. This is despite persistent uncertainties about the Russo-Ukrainian conflict and the ECB's hawkish tone, due to growing inflationary pressures.
Weekly variations*
32944.19  -1.99%
13301.83  -3.87%
Chart NASDAQ 100
FTSE 100
7155.64  +2.41%
Chart FTSE 100
1986.62$  -0.09%
Chart GOLD
109.15$  -14.01%
Chart WTI
1.09$  +0.35%
This week's gainers and losers
  • Avis Budget (+16%): U.S. companies linked to the tourism sector recorded a mid-week rally. On the car rental side, shares rebounded even more after the release of positive statistics for the sector. Jefferies notes that prices are still rising sharply in the US year-on-year.
  • SunRun (+15%): The manufacturer of residential storage batteries is up, as investors turn to renewable energy stocks. They fear energy shortages, as Russia threatens to halt its gas and oil exports to Europe. 
  • Boohoo (+28%): Britain's online fashion retailer said that 2021-22 core earnings are in line with reduced guidance, reassuring investors worried by a recent slowdown in sales growth and sending its battered shares sharply higher.
  • Didi (-45%): China's "Uber" sank on Friday after having its listing suspended in Hong Kong for failing to comply with Chinese data protection regulations.
  • Rivian (-18%): The manufacturer of electric pickups is more loss-making than expected in the last quarter. In addition, it reported an outlook clouded by supply chain concerns. 
  • KE Holdings (-30%): Shares of the New-York listed Chinese company, which provides housing transactions through its Beike platform, are down following disappointing revenue forecasts for Q1 22, as well as lower revenues and earnings for Q4 21.
  • The Trade Desk (-21%): The world's leading advertising DSP, is taking a hit this week. The stock is highly valued. Operators anticipating slower economic growth believe that advertising revenues will fall.
Chart Commodities
Volatility remains at high levels on oil markets, which remain particularly sensitive to developments related to the war in Ukraine. Comments from Vladimir Putin, who sees progress in talks with the Ukrainian government and is reportedly willing to compromise on neutrality, have caused prices to ease as the two global benchmarks, Brent and WTI, are trading lower at USD 110 and USD 107 respectively. On the other hand, the mood is deteriorating regarding the Iranian nuclear deal. While the negotiations seemed to be on the verge of success until a few days ago, the talks have now been suspended.

It was a week of excess for the metals segment, and more particularly for nickel, whose price jumped to USD 100,000 per ton, its biggest gain in a single day. Prices were boosted by a race to cover short positions after Western sanctions threatened supply from the main producer, Russia. Copper, on the other hand, lost ground at $1,040. In precious metals, gold broke through the USD 2,000 per ounce mark, but failed to hold above that level. Investors did indeed regain their risk appetite at the end of the week, to the detriment of the barbarian relic, which is trading, at the time of writing, around USD 1980.

Prices also eased in Chicago, with wheat (1070 cents per bushel) and corn (753 cents) down over the past five days. The USDA was rather optimistic about world wheat production for 2021/2022, as the institution raised its forecast from 776.4 to 778.5 million tons. However, not surprisingly, the USDA revised its world export estimate downward (from 206.7 to 203.1 million tons) due to lower Ukrainian and Russian exports.
Chart Commodities
The week was marked by the European Central Bank meeting. Alongside a status quo on key rates, the institution showed concern about the acceleration of inflation. It brought forward to June the start of the reduction of its asset purchases, while leaving open the possibility of a rate hike this year, a possibility that was not even considered a few weeks ago. The other macroeconomic event was the release of inflation data in the United States in February, which remained high. This will support a first rate hike by the Fed next week, of up to a quarter point.

The yield on 10-year US debt rose to 2.01% today, as inflation remains the major concern of central banks, which see the conflict in Ukraine as an aggravating factor. This war on Europe's doorstep has tightened yields on the old continent: the 10-year German Bund is up to 0.31% and the French OAT to 0.77%. On the foreign exchange market, the dollar rose to JPY 449.93. After benefiting from the rush to safety, the greenback fell back slightly against the euro in the middle of the week, before recovering to USD 1.0944 for 1 euro.

With the geopolitical environment still very tense, the cryptocurrency market has suffered from significant volatility in recent days. In the space of a week, bitcoin has experienced 10% swings, up and down. The price of bitcoin is once again hovering around the $39,000 mark at the time of writing. Investors' appetite for risk assets may yet be put on hold until the situation calms down on the international political-economic scene. 

Next week's session on Wednesday, March 16, has long been on investors' minds: barring any major surprises, the Fed will launch a new round of monetary policy tightening.
Historical Chart
The Fed is about to reverse the trend
Markets are still hanging on to every news in Ukraine, but they are keeping an eye on monetary policy as well. The Fed is about to begin its rate hike cycle to counteract inflation, which is still unbridled. Volatility remains high, as evidenced by Wednesday's rally. Investors are still struggling to assess the long-term consequences of the ongoing economic and political upheaval.
Things to read this week
Ethereum - Ethereum Classic: The blockchain with two facesEthereum - Ethereum Classic: The blockchain with two faces
A hack is "the act of manipulating a system". In the case of Ethereum, we are talking about both the hack as manipulation and the split of the blockchain.... Read more
The consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian conflictThe consequences of the Russian-Ukrainian conflict
According to Russia, the objective is to keep Ukraine within its "sphere of influence", in line with its long-held view that Russia and Ukraine are one. It... Read more
*The weekly movements of indexes and stocks displayed on the dashboard are related to the period ranging from the open on Monday to the sending time of this newsletter on Friday.
The weekly movements of commodities, precious metals and currencies displayed on the dashboard are related to a 7-day rolling period from Friday to Friday, until the sending time of this newsletter. These assets continue to quote on weekends.