WebLife Balance LLC (WebLife), the technology leader in employee privacy and protection solutions, announced today that it has achieved compliance with the U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework. The U.S.-EU Safe Harbor Framework provides guidance for U.S. organizations on how to provide adequate protection for personal data from EU countries as required by the European Commission's Directive on Data Protection. WebLife customers face obligations to protect employee personal information, and without the WebLife solution, these obligations potentially limit the ability to deploy Data Leakage/Loss Prevention technologies. WebLife addresses these obligations, allowing enhanced security tools to be deployed.

"Companies are focused on data loss prevention (DLP) solutions as a way to protect their network, but DLP deployments are being frozen due to employee privacy issues," said David Melnick, WebLife Balance CEO. "We believe that by advocating for employee privacy rights, organizations actually enhance their overall security posture. Achieving Safe Harbor compliance demonstrates WebLife's commitment to globally support our customers' efforts to comply with European privacy regulations and to support the best interest of European employees and consumers at all times."

Melnick continued, "Most organizations in the U.S. go to great lengths to ensure users do not have an expectation of privacy, to enable pervasive monitoring and control of employee browsing to manage security and liability risk. WebLife Balance, informed by global privacy laws, takes a new approach to achieving these objectives to help US employers manage risk, while also providing employees with a limited expectation of privacy."

Founded in 2013, WebLife Balance (WebLife) fundamentally changes how organizations approach employee Internet use simply by providing a separate, private and secure space for employees to conduct personal web browsing. Current employee acceptable web-use policies don't address the fact that employees will continue to spend some portion of their time on personal web browsing. WebLife acknowledges this reality and brings employees back into policy compliance by securely separating personal and business web activity. By doing so, this program provides an additional benefit to employees, improving companies' security posture, reducing their liability, and enhancing their compliance with global privacy obligations.

WebLife Balance is a registered trademark of WebLife Balance in the United States.

For more information on WebLife Balance, please visit:

Media Contact:
for WebLife Balance LLC
Sarah Nicholas, 616-719-9113