Research and Markets has announced the addition of the "Validation, Verification and Transfer of Analytical Methods (Understanding and implementing guidelines from FDA/EMA, USP and ICH): 2-Day Workshop by Dr. Huber" conference to their offering.

This 2-day workshop will give attendees the background to understand the requirements, and even more significantly, it will focus on strategies and provide tools to implement most critical requirements.

It will also provide templates and examples to develop inspection ready documentation. Interactive workshop exercises will be dispersed into and between the presentations. About 50% of the total time will be dedicated to practical sessions with real life examples.

After the course a variety of tools such as SOPs, validation examples and checklists will be readily available on a dedicated website that can be used to easily implement what attendees have learned in the course.


Day One (8:30 AM 4:30 PM)

8:30 AM 9:00 AM: Registration Process

9:00 AM: Session Start

Lectures and Workshop Exercises

Lecture 1 Regulatory Background and Requirements

Lecture 2 Preparing Your Lab for Validation Studies

Lecture 3 Validation of Analytical Methods and Procedures

Lecture 4 Verification of Compendial Methods

Day Two (8:30 AM 4.30 PM)

Lectures and Workshop Exercises

Lecture 5 Transfer of Analytical Methods and Procedures

Lecture 6 Demonstrating Equivalency to Compendial Methods

Lecture 7 Maintaining the Validated State

Lecture 8 Special Applications and Validation Processes

For more information about this conference visit