UFU encourages potato producers to secure a fair price for their produce

22 January 2014

Ulster Farmer' Union Potato Chairman Adrian Jamison is calling on all producers to market remaining potato stocks strongly over the coming weeks in order to secure a fair return for their quality produce.

Adrian said; "The good summer and mild autumn/winter of 2013 has given us all the opportunity to harvest the finest quality potatoes in Northern Ireland. However, producers need pay close attention to the market signals and market all remaining potato stock strongly if they are to secure a return reflective of the time, effort and money put into producing them.  There is still a strong demand for our quality produce but we do need to be mindful of how our actions can actually influence the market price.  In addition, with reported chip shop price increases across the province, based often on imported potato prices, our local quality potatoes give households a real opportunity to be thrifty, support local and enjoy a truly good eating experience. 

Adrian added; "While producers bargain hard for the best price the local merchant and packers need remember that there are plenty of good quality Farm Quality Assured potatoes in Northern Ireland at present as they too have an obligation to be working with their retailers large and small to promote local.  In the meantime, the UFU Potato Committee will continue to monitor the situation and will be examining the offering of imported potatoes on retail shelves over the next few weeks.

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