STORY: :: As a Peru glacier retreats, the body of a U.S. climber has been found 22 years after he disappeared

:: July 5, 2024

:: Ancash, Peru

:: Eric Raul Albino Lliuya - Grupo Alpamayo Tours

:: The frozen body was found with well-preserved gear and clothing and the missing man's passport

The skeletal corpse wore well-preserved climbing boots, crampons and clothing as well as a driver's license and passport belonging to William Stampfl.

Stampfl is believed to have died in an avalanche more than 20 years ago.

In a statement, police say they recovered his body on July 5 at an altitude of more than 17,000 feet, well below Huascaran's 22,200-foot summit.

Glacial mass in the region has been retreating for about the last 10 years, said Edson Ramirez, a park ranger and risk assessor for the Huascaran National Park.