For Immediate Release
January 3, 2014

Communications Office

Governor Hassan Statement on Gorham Paper and Tissue Restructuring

CONCORD - Governor Maggie Hassan issued the following statement today in response to Gorham Paper and Tissue's restructuring announcement:

"Gorham Paper and Tissue's announcement is troubling news, and I have instructed state officials from the Department of Resources and Economic Development and New Hampshire Employment Security to provide every resource possible to assist and support any affected workers.

"DRED officials have been working directly with Gorham Paper and Tissue to identify ways to reduce and stabilize the company's energy costs, and I remain hopeful that the situation can be improved. I encourage the company to strongly consider any options that could reduce the number of potential job losses.

"It remains clear that we must take steps to lower energy and natural gas prices throughout our region to help New Hampshire businesses and families, which is why I have joined with my fellow New England governors in a regional statement of commitment to increase cooperation on energy infrastructure issues, including accelerating the development of additional natural gas pipeline capacity. I will continue working closely with all of our partners to identify ways to build a stronger, more reliable energy future for New Hampshire.

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