Telos® Corporation has assumed responsibility for the operation and maintenance of the Air Force Information Network (AFIN), supporting the 561st Network Operations Squadron (561 NOS) of the 24th Air Force.

The AFIN network implements AFNetOps requirements throughout the 561 NOS area of responsibility (AOR), including Air Force Space Command (AFSPC), Air Education and Training Command (AETC), Air Mobility Command (AMC), and Pacific Air Force (PACAF), United States Strategic Command (USSTRATCOM), US Global Strike Command, US Cyber Command (USCYBERCOM), US Transportation Command (USTRANSCOM), and US Pacific Command (USPACOM). The network includes wired, wireless and mobile services to provide continuous service throughout the AOR.

The vast team of network operations and information security (INFOSEC) professionals assembled to administer the network include cyberspace and network defenders available twenty four hours a day and security analysts, security engineers, event managers and enterprise controllers to maintain the security posture and continuity of the 561 NOS and situational awareness across the enterprise.

"Through a variety of projects over the past twenty years, Telos has developed extensive knowledge of Air Force technology requirements and AFSPC security regulations and procedures," said Telos Chief Operating Officer Ed Williams. "This history gives Telos the unique ability to anticipate and respond to the demands of the 561 NOS and to implement effective network defense processes for a more proactive, broad spectrum network defense presence and mission assurance."

The work is performed under a NETCENTS task order. Telos has implemented state of the art ISO- and ITIL- certified program management processes and an innovative, real-time project management portal integrates project performance data, financials and operations statistics, enabling the seamless flow of information and promoting contract accountability and transparency.

Telos serves as a prime contractor on the five-year NETCENTS contract vehicle, which was recently extended by the government for an additional two years. NETCENTS is an indefinite-delivery, indefinite-quantity contract that provides the Air Force, the Department of Defense and other federal agencies with a single vehicle through which to buy network-centric information technologies, networking equipment, and services, as well as voice, video and data communications hardware and software and telephony solutions from preferred contractors. NETCENTS provides a proven competitive edge for the federal government by reducing the time-to-market for critical networking and communications equipment and services.

About Telos Corporation

Telos Corporation has provided innovative IT solutions and services to the federal government for more than 30 years, focusing since 1997 on cybersecurity. Telos solutions ensure that the government's most security-conscious organizations comply with demanding federal and DoD information security mandates. Offerings include Xacta® IA Manager risk management framework for enterprise IT security management, enterprise cybersecurity consulting services, secure networks, emerging technologies, secure enterprise communications, and secure identity assurance and access solutions. Solutions are represented to the federal government on Telos' GSA schedule. For more information, visit

Telos Corporation
Renate Neely, 703-724-3780