Regulatory News:

Teleperformance (Paris:TEP), a leading global group in digitally integrated business services, today announced it has received the Enterprise-Wide Social Responsibility Standard (SRS) Certification Award from Verego for the 8th consecutive year.

The Verego SRS certification provides a comprehensive framework for ensuring the effective management of corporate responsibility initiatives. It is awarded to companies that excel in terms of policies and practices in five key areas: leadership, ethics, people, community, and the environment. Teleperformance once again exceeded requirements in all five categories within the corporate-level assessment.

"2021 marks the 8th consecutive year that Teleperformance has achieved certification in all five areas of Verego's SRS Standard, continuously demonstrating its leadership in responsible business practices. Across its enterprise, Teleperformance has been able to satisfy every single Verego assessment criteria this year. All 26 assessed sites participated in Verego's Employee Survey, sharing over 5,000 responses from around the globe, which illustrated a high level of satisfaction and awareness of the organization's approach to corporate responsibility," said Carole Kerrey, Lead Certification Assessor at Verego.

Raw audit score highlights include perfect scores of 100% in many audit sub-areas including all leadership categories, commitment to social responsibility, anti-corruption, government and regulatory compliance, protection and privacy of personal information, labor and employment, employee health and safety, human rights monitoring, reporting and grievances, and climate among others.

Daniel Julien, Teleperformance Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, commented: “It is very humbling to receive our 8th consecutive global social responsibility certification by Verego. Please know, the Group’s worldwide commitment to corporate social responsibility is total and unconditional; we will continue to work very hard for the safety and well-being of our people, the corporate and financial health of our Group and helping our world’s environment and the communities where we live and work. This comprehensive audit examined multiple Teleperformance operations all around the world and independently validates that we are on the right track as a strong and global CSR leader.”


Teleperformance (TEP – ISIN: FR0000051807 – Reuters: TEPRF.PA - Bloomberg: TEP FP), a leading global group in digitally integrated business services, serves as a strategic partner to the world’s largest companies in many industries. It offers a One Office support services model combining three wide, high-value solution families: customer experience management, back-office services and business process knowledge services. These end-to-end digital solutions guarantee successful customer interaction and optimized business processes, anchored in a unique, comprehensive high tech, high touch approach. The Group's 380,000+ employees, based in 83 countries, support billions of connections every year in over 265 languages and over 170 markets, in a shared commitment to excellence as part of the “Simpler, Faster, Safer” process. This mission is supported by the use of reliable, flexible, intelligent technological solutions and compliance with the industry’s highest security and quality standards, based on Corporate Social Responsibility excellence. In 2020, Teleperformance reported consolidated revenue of €5,732 million (US$6.5 billion, based on €1 = $1.14) and net profit of €324 million.

Teleperformance shares are traded on the Euronext Paris market, Compartment A, and are eligible for the deferred settlement service. They are included in the following indices: CAC 40, STOXX 600, S&P Europe 350 and MSCI Global Standard. In the area of corporate social responsibility, Teleperformance shares are included in the Euronext Vigeo Eurozone 120 index, the FTSE4Good index and the Solactive Europe Corporate Social Responsibility index (formerly Ethibel Sustainability Excellence Europe index).

For more information: Follow us on Twitter: @teleperformance