Product main page The Inter-corporate ownership CD is the most authoritative and comprehensive source of information available on corporate ownership; a unique directory of "who owns what" in Canada. It provides up-to-date information reflecting recent corporate takeovers and other substantial changes. Ultimate corporate control is determined through a careful study of holdings by corporations, the effects of options, insider holdings, convertible shares and interlocking directorships. The number of corporations that make up the hierarchy of structures totals approximately 45,000.

The information that is presented is based on non-confidential returns filed by Canadian corporations under the Corporations Returns Act and on research using public sources such as internet sites. The data are presented in an easy-to-read tiered format, illustrating at a glance the hierarchy of subsidiaries within each corporate structure. The entries for each corporation provide both the country of control and the country of residence.

The product covers every individual corporation that is part of a group of commonly controlled corporations with combined assets exceeding 200 million dollars or combined revenue exceeding 80 million dollars. Individual corporations with debt obligations or equity owing to non-residents exceeding a net book value of 1 million dollars are covered as well.

Product: Inter-corporate Ownership
Catalogue no.: 61-517-XCB
Frequency: Quarterly
Status: Ongoing/Available
Latest issue: Fourth quarter 2013 $375.00
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Release date: January 23, 2014
Subscription: one year (365 days) $1,065.00
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System requirements: - Microsoft© Windows XP© with Service Pack (SP) 2 - 500 megahertz (MHz) processor - 256 Megabyte (MB) RAM - 100 MB of free hard disk space - CD-ROM or DVD drive - Suggested screen Resolution : 1024 X 768
Shipping charges: No shipping charges for delivery in Canada. For shipments to the United States, $6 per issue or item ordered. For shipments to other countries, $10 per issue or per item ordered. Annual frequency = 1, Quarterly frequency = 4, Monthly frequency = 12.
Content note

The Fourth Quarter issue of this product is available to the DSP.

History note

Continues the print publication with the same title commencing with the first quarter 2001.

Subjects Keywords

classification codes, corporate finance, corporations, country of control, directories, intercorporate ownership, mergers and acquisitions.

Free access

This product may also be accessible for free at these libraries.

These data are available at no additional charge to Canadian educational institutions participating in the Data Liberation Initiative.

Some bilingual products have changed to separate English and French products. In these cases, back issues are bilingual and the more recent issues are unilingual.

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