In November 2013 agricultural products were on average 2.8% more expensive than in November 2012.

In November 2013 the prices of crop products on average lower than in November 2012

In comparison with November 2012, in November 2013 the prices of crop products were on average 0.5% lower.
In the group fruits the prices were on average 8.0% lower. The price of grape for industry was lower by 4.3% (the average price for grape for industry in November 2013 was EUR 0.41 per kg). The prices of vegetables and horticultural products were on average lower by 4.4% and cereal prices by 30.5%.
On the other hand, the prices of wine, potatoes and industrial plants were higher.

The prices of animals and animal products on average 4.9% higher than in November 2012

In November 2013 the prices of animals and animal products were on average 4.9% higher than a year before.
The prices of animal products increased by 13.9%. The average milk price increased by 15.8% and the egg price decreased by 4.6%.
The prices of animals for slaughter were on average lower by 2.1%. Cattle prices dropped by 6.8% and the prices of pigs by 5.5%. Poultry was on average 7.3% more expensive. The average price of chickens was EUR 1.19 per kilogram of live weight and thus 8.1% higher than a year before.

Table 1: Producer price indices of agricultural products, Slovenia, November 2013

XI 2013
Ø 2010
XI 2013
XI 2012
Agricultural goods output, excl. fruits and vegetables 123.9 105.2
CROP OUTPUT 115.1 99.5
Crop output, excluding fruits and vegetables 126.5 106.2
Cereals 100.7 69.5
Industrial plants 97.5 112.0
Vegetables and horticultural products 102.8 95.6
  fresh vegetables 104.9 92.9
  plants and flowers 100.8 98.5
Potatoes (including seeds) 199.2 165.0
Fruits 106.1 92.0
Wine 117.8 100.2
Animals for slaughter 117.1 97.9
Animal products 130.4 113.9

Source: SURS

Methodological note

Monthly data for the final year are provisional. Data can be corrected and completed with each monthly First release. Monthly data are final with publication of annual data (expected at February 28th 2014).

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More detailed data and time series are available at the SI-STAT data portal, which enables simple browsing and exporting of data into various formats. Registered users have the possibility to store tables for later browsing and to sign up to be informed when data are updated.

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Polona Špajzer Šraj

Next release not later than:

Friday, February 14, 2014

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