By Jeslyn Lerh
       SINGAPORE, July 4 (Reuters) - Onshore fuel oil
stockpiles at key trading and storage hub Singapore edged up to
a two-week high, with net imports recovering for a second
straight week. 
    Inventories  inched 1.6% higher to 19.60 million
barrels (3.09 million metric tons) in the week ended July 3,
Enterprise Singapore data showed.   
    Net imports of fuel oil, calculated by subtracting total
exports from total imports, climbed 34.5% week-on-week to about
927,000 tons. 
    Top cargo origins were Kuwait and the United Arab Emirates,
excluding storage movements from Malaysia. 
    Meanwhile, top destinations for fuel oil outflows from
Singapore's onshore tanks were China, Hong Kong and Australia. 
    Current inventory levels remained ample to meet market
demand, said industry sources, with price benchmarks remaining
capped in recent trading sessions. 
    Spot premiums for the high-sulphur market 
eased below $4 a ton this week, while low-sulphur premiums
 held rangebound below $5 a ton. 
    Cargo inflows from the West to East Asia, including Russian
volumes, are expected to reach about 3 million tons for July,
slightly higher than June, calculations based on LSEG
ship-tracking data showed this week.   
 Week to July 4, Fuel oil (in    Total        Total       Net Imports
 metric tons)                    Imports      Exports     
 AUSTRALIA                                 0      45,998      -45,998
 BANGLADESH                                0      15,105      -15,105
 BRAZIL                               54,894           0       54,894
 CHINA                                     0      65,292      -65,292
 HONG KONG                                 0      46,850      -46,850
 INDIA                                     0         187         -187
 INDONESIA                            17,027           0       17,027
 IRAQ                                 79,210           0       79,210
 KOREA                                     0           0            0
 KUWAIT                              132,228           0      132,228
 MALAYSIA                            428,589     124,792      303,797
 MARSHALL ISLANDS                          0       6,950       -6,950
 MEXICO                               55,862           0       55,862
 NEPAL                                     0          41          -41
 NETHERLANDS                          92,937           0       92,937
 OMAN                                 59,931           0       59,931
 PERU                                      0           0            0
 RUSSIA                              104,577           0      104,577
 THAILAND                             14,626           0       14,626
 TURKMENISTAN                         27,536           0       27,536
 UNITED ARAB EMIRATES                116,592           0      116,592
 UNITED STATES                        48,786           0       48,786
 VIETNAM                                   0         159         -159
 TOTAL                             1,232,797     305,374      927,423
 (Data from Enterprise Singapore)

 (Reporting by Jeslyn Lerh; Editing by Sohini Goswami)